Chapter 4

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            Briarpaw wakes up, stretching. She yawns, then stands up. She nudges Sweetpaw. "Wake up," she whispers, and he groans. "It's so earlyyyy..." He whimpers. Briarpaw rolls her eyes, and tries to hold back a laugh, but can't. "Come on! Stupid furball!" Sweetpaw gets up, yawning. "You're the stupid furball." He mutters playfully. "You wanna bet?" She retorts. Sweetpaw is the one laughing this time. "Let's go," he meows. He looks back at Antpaw at the same time as she does, and they both shake their heads. "Let him be." They both whisper, and walk out. "So I'm not the only one that thinks that he has been acting weird?" Briarpaw whispers. "For like, the past moon... He hasn't been snarky or rude to... like... Anyone!..." She nods in agreement. "Leave him be, though, it has been so peaceful." "Oh, definitely" He agrees, as they walk towards the fresh-kill pile. They grab a wren to share, and Briarpaw starts to think. "It has been... Ever since the gathering, yes?" Sweetpaw thinks. "I guess so..." Briarpaw sits. "Maybe something happened there? We did leave him alone. Maybe Waspwhisker caught him doing... Who knows what, and punished him... Badly." Sweetpaw shakes his head. "He would be even more snarky if he was punished. He must really want to go back to the next gathering." Briarpaw twitches her whiskers. "No way, because why didn't he do it the first time we went to a gathering?" Sweetpaw thinks for a bit longer. "Maybe he met a cat that he wants to see again?" He suggests, and Briarpaw wrinkles her nose up. "Yick, why would he want to see some smelly DaisyClan, LilyClan, and especially IvyClan cat?" She mews. He shrugs. "I guess not."

            "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather under the willow for a Clan meeting." Jaystar's voice rings around the camp. The cats all run to the willow tree, much smaller than where they gather, but it is still very large. "Today, we are here for a very special ceremony." Heatherkit's ears perk up, then she shakes her head. "We aren't six moons yet," She sighs, looking at at Dovekit who nods in agreement. "I, Jaystar, leader of BlossomClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turns." Briarpaw looks at Sweetpaw. "Do you think-" She meows, but is cut off by Jaystar yowling, "Antpaw, Briarpaw, Sweetpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?" They all look at each other. "We do." They meow in unison. Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Briarpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Briardawn. StarClan honors your kindness and enthusiasm, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BlossomClan. Sweetpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sweetpool. StarClan honors your intelligence and initiative, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BlossomClan. And lastly, Antpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Antpebble. StarClan honors your spirit and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BlossomClan." Every cat is silent for a few heartbeats, then bursts out cheering. "Briardawn! Sweetpool! Antpebble!" They cheer. "You three will sit a silent vigil tonight, which means you guard the camp, and you shall not say a word while doing it." Jaystar meows, and they nod in agreement.

            "Uuugh, I'm so tired..." Sweetpool mutters. "Shh!" Whispers Briardawn. "We're supposed to be doing a silent vigil!" Sweetpool rolls his eyes. "You just talked." "You talked first!" Antpebble rolls his eyes. 'I guess I win the prize for being silent the longest,' he thinks, even his thoughts were sarcastic. But, he admits to himself that he's exhausted as well. An idea suddenly pops into his head. "We should go patrol the borders." He whispers. "You just spoke," Sweetpool points out. "No mousedung," Antpebble mutters, "You two can go patrol DaisyClan, and I can take IvyClan." Sweetpool and Briardawn glance at each other. "No way." They meow in unison. "IvyClan is way more hostile than DaisyClan, and we aren't letting you go alone. Why don't we all go in a group?" Briardawn suggests. "But what if DaisyClan try to attack?" Antpebble meows. "What cat would be mousebrained enough to attack at this hour?" Sweetpool retorts. "We go as one, or not at all." Briardawn nods in agreement. "Sweetpool is right. Why are you so persistent to want to go to IvyClan by yourself?..." She asks, suspicious. "I-!... Ugh, whatever, let's all go." Antpebble hisses. Sweetpool and Briardawn nod to each other. "Let's." They both meow, and start walking.

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