the story of a slave

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January 1st, 1708

Dear papa

I was born a slave, with poisoned marks on my skin. Ne’er knew what a slave is. I sure don’t like the sound of it none. Them white folks call us names, but mama said I don’t dare repeat them. She said they the devil words. Well if that’s true then them white folks sure are going to hell.

I live in the shed, but I wonder about the golden land Miss Akkien always talking about. She sure does make that place seem better than this place. She told me that’s where our blood can run freely. Now don’t that seem weird? Don’t our blood already run freely? Now I didn’t want to seem like I knew nothin, so I kept my mouth shut and nodded whenever she asked me if I still with her.

I overheard Missy talkin to Eddie Earl ‘bout leaving the soul sucking place. Well that not a nice thing to say. Mama say, the good Lord can hear you when you speak, so you better have good words spilling out of your mouth. Have you ever spilled the devils words papa? I hope not, cause then you wouldn’t be in heaven and I want you in heaven. Mama said you were an angel sent from God and he wanted you back for an important project. Didn’t he know that mama and I gonna need you? I try papa, I try not to be sad cause God is always right, but is it wrong to think that just maybe he’s wrong?

February 1st, 1708

So I aint been at your grave in a while I can only sneak away once a month, so you gone have to forgive me. Missy and Eddie Earl ran away but big ole’ Eddie Earl got caught by Master James. Mama told me to hurry on somewhere when they brought him in, he sure was beaten. I didn’t want to go but I don’t dare disobey the pastor said the good Lord would punish us.

Master James called everyone including the little ones and Miss Akkien and the whole plantation. Master James done asked Eddie Earl ‘bout a million times where Missy is he done threatened him papa. He said if Eddie earl didn’t tell him where missy was then they find her and kill ‘em both. Now I stood there scared papa, but not for me but for Eddie Earl.

Master James done beat Eddie Earl a good time but he didn’t say one word papa not one word at all. I overheard mama and Rosa talking about how stupid yet loving Eddie Earl was, now I know I aint suppose to be eavesdropping but I just couldn’t help it. Don’t look down on me papa, I just wanted answers. I love you papa.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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