AR(T)IANA and the Art of Words Reading Sample

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Ariana dashed through the narrow alleys, laughing. She was on holidays with her parents and got to know several new things. On their promenade through the city, they saw a little crowd, which had formed a rough circle around something. Or better said, around someone. Ariana was incredibly curious, what the people were fascinated about there and wanted to get a closer look. Thus she scurried on the one or other person and finally, she saw it. An incredibly beautiful, colorful picture. Actually almost a painting, on that you could see the alley, where they were at this moment. Surrounded by in fall colors dipped trees. The artist had the right feeling for the quantity of details. Because the picture had neither too many, nor too little of them. Just right. The colors shined in all its glory as well, without dazzling the viewer. Finally the picture was rounded out by a river, where the sparkling lights of the houses reflected in. In short, it was simply beautiful.

Ariana was completely fascinated by the picture. And not just that. Also of the way, the artist dipped the pencils into the colors, striped them off on her palette and blended the colors, to get just the right shade. Even of the smooth way she leaded the pencil and brushed the color just on the right places on the picture.

Ariana probably would have watched her even longer, if her parents wouldn't already be there to continue their promenade. But then there was just one thing missing for the artist, to finish the painting. Her signature. Even that was an art in itself. And when she had brought it on the picture with the last spot of color, the crowd praised her with some applause. Ariana clapped along, of course. Especially zealous. She got the attention of the artist, who was looking at Ariana. Although she had mainly concentrated on her picture, she already noticed the views of the spectators. Also the view of the little Ariana.

Then something happened, that should change Ariana's whole life. Completely unexpected, the artist took her picture, rolled it up and held it out to Ariana. She couldn't believe it first. Does she really receive this incomparable picture as a present?! And on the top of this of someone, she knows as little as she knows her? Indeed! The artist presented her the painting with a smile, which Ariana returned.

Incredibly proud, she showed her parents the rolled-up picture, which made her eyes sparkling.

„What do you say?", her mother wanted to know.

„Thank you!", Ariana said to the artist after that and got a friendly nodding back.

Finally the parents gave their daughter some money and pointed at the artist. Ariana understood the gesture immediately, feet it back to the street artist and nudged her very carefully.

When she eyed the little girl, Ariana became totally timid all of a sudden and held the money out to her, without saying anything.

„Is that for me?", the artist asked.

„Mhm", Ariana replied and nodded.

„That's very nice. Thank you!"

Ariana returned the smile and went back to her parents.

In the end they continued their promenade. Ariana turned back to the artist once more, who already prepared everything for the next picture. Then she looked upon the beautiful night sky, where the stars were sparkling even brighter than normally, tonight. And suddenly she could see clearly. She wanted to become an artist.

Nine years later...

Ariana speeded downstairs, out to the letterbox and brought the letters, which she distributed to her parents.

„For Mom... for Dad... also for Dad... for Mom and... for me! Woohoo! A letter for me!", Ariana said joyfully.

„How many is that now?", her father wanted to know.

„The thirty-seventh!", Ariana answered quick like a shot.

After that her father made a queasy face.

„Let her, honey!", Ariana's mother countered.

„I'm just worrying about Ariana's future", her father opposed.

„Everything will be fine, Dad! I've sent countless applications all over the country. One school of arts will certainly take me! And I've got a good feeling with this one!", Ariana spoke full of optimism and looked on the letter again.

„That's what you say about any letter!", her father considered.

„But this time it will work out for sure!", Ariana added.

„That's what you say every time as well!", her father opposed.

„She still has plenty of time! When she's ready, she will get a positive reply. And besides... I still remember what you did when you were her age!", her mother spoke.

„When I was sixteen, I still went to high school!", Ariana's father countered.

„Yes... and that was a good thing! Because there we've met each other for the first time!", her mother told him.

„Yeah... those were good days", Ariana's father replied.

„I still go to high school as well!", his daughter defended.

„Your father always wanted to reach for the stars!", her mother continued.

„I still do that today! I will bring you the stars out of the sky! You know that!", Ariana's father answered.

Then it went way too far for Ariana and she preferred to go into her room.

She closed the door and took a deep breath. The letter already was very sweaty from her hands. Her heart was racing.

Is she finally holding her ticket for the future in her hands? Her ticket for the colorful and unbelievable world of art?

Sure, Ariana attended the art class at high school as well. But that was way too little for her. She wanted to apply herself to art with all of her abandon and passion. With all of her energy, she got. She loved the almost uncountable possibilities, in which way you can express yourself with art.

Since that day, she dreams of being an artist. But will her dream finally come true? Or does she have to hope for weeks for the next letter, the next chance again?

Ariana was incredibly excited and nervous. Then she took another deep breath and opened the letter.

„Please, oh please, oh please!", she said again and again and still held her eyes tightly closed.

Hesitantly, she opened one eye and let it glide over the letters still a little blurred. Then she closed it again.

„Please, oh please, oh please!", she whispered once again.

In the end she finally dared to read the letter.



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