Finding the One : Mermaid Heel

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*This video is just a collection of epic Fairy Tail songs. Enjoy the music and the story.*

"How many more of these castles are going to go to Lucy?" Natsu questioned. "Just a few more, our next one is Castle Mermaid Heel. These girls are sweet and fierce. This should be a walk in the park." Lucy responded. "I hope so. The day is almost over." Natsu replied and continued flying.
~Time skip because of flying~
In a few short minutes, they made it to the Mermaid Heel Castle. "I'm going in." Lucy told. "I hope you find someone this time." Natsu replied. Lucy walked inside to see the princesses. "Oh a new visitor!" A girl sang. The princesses had approached Lucy. "Hi. Do any of you want a prince?" Lucy questioned. "No." they responded. "Really? You are all single! But don't want a prince at all?!" Lucy exclaimed. "Yes, unless this prince is from the Pegasus Castle." One princess replied. "Um...nope." Lucy told. "Then we are done here." Another responded. They all left Lucy. "So? Did you get one?" Natsu exclaimed. "Sigh, nope." Lucy sighed. Natsu and Lucy flew off into the sky. Natsu then landed in grotto because he was a little tired. "So, anywhere else we need to go?" Natsu questioned. "I can't think of another place so let's just relax." Lucy relaxed.

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