A Possible Ally

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[Kellan's POV]

"Kellan, it's Laina...I don't have much time..." That's what I heard when the call went through. Scared out of my mind, I answered back. "Laina, are you ok? Did they do anything to you?" "No, Kellan. Not yet at least. I have 2 minutes to talk, then I'm probably dead." Tears welled up in my eyes as she continued on.

"There is a way to stop the Thinning. Go to Assuru Global and ruin their shipments. Next, shut down their power line connections. Finally, flood the main base with water and oil. This will shut them down, and then the Thinning will shut down." I smiled, knowing that there was a way to stop the team from killing Laina.

"I will save you Laina. I love you." "I love you too Kellan, and tell the kids that Mommy...." The line went dead. Her time was probably up. I looked at Terri who was on the verge of tears, I patted her back. And we ran to Assuru Global. We saw a man in dark brown work clothes lifting a box into his truck. We ran as fast as we could to get to him before it was too late.

[Blake's POV]

I was delivering a package to the school, when a middle-aged man and a young girl were rushing up to the gate that blocked off Assuru Global from the rest of the town. I put my hands in a 'halt' position, indicating that I wanted them to stop.

They greeted me slowly, unsure of what to say. "Hello...I'm...Kellan...and this is....my daughter....Terri..." The little girl hid behind her father uncomfortably, making the situation more awkward than before. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare her. I'm Blake Redding."

Kellan stared at me wide-eyed. "You're the governor's son aren't you? The one who died, a year after your girlfriend?" I nodded my head. "But, we're not dead, Kellan. We all thought we were, but the company just sends people here to work for them. We work for the enemy. That's how they reduce the town's population, by eliminating our work force, and making us go to them."

"Does your dad know about this?" Kellan asked. "I have no idea. It would be nice to see him again...but I don't think I ever will...unless a package needs to be delivered to him." I sighed. "Oh well, is there anything I can do for you?" I asked, changing the subject. "Yes, we need some help. My wife, Laina is in the Thinning to 'pay her debt', but she needs out. I got a call from her, saying that the Thinning could be stopped if we destroy some things at your work base. Could you help?"

I nodded. "I want out of here too. And I want to save Ellie. Tell me what to do...." They told me the things that had to be ruined in order to stop the Thinning from commencing further.

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