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Scene 1

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Scene 1. Seoul. A bookstore. 11:27 a.m.

NAMJOON is at work, putting away a new shipment of novels away onto the shelves.


YOONGI: Morning, Joon.

NAMJOON: (jumps, startled) Jesus Christ!

YOONGI: Really, it's okay, you can just call me Yoongi hyung.

NAMJOON: (recovering, rolls his eyes) Very funny. What brings you here this morning?

YOONGI: (shifting) You busy?

NAMJOON: No, not really. Why, you need something?

YOONGI: Y-Yeah... I uh, kinda need a job.

NAMJOON: (surprised) You got fired?

YOONGI: (defensive) No, I quit. My new boss was an asshole and I didn't want to work under him.

NAMJOON: Ah. So... you came to me? I didn't think you'd be interested in.... well, this. (gestures around him at the shelves of books)

YOONGI: Hey, I can read. Besides, I could just ring people up at the cash. Not that hard.

NAMJOON: Well, I'll have to speak to the manager when she comes in. She handles the employees.

YOONGI: Yeah, that's fine. It's a good job, though?

NAMJOON: Oh, yeah. The hours are really flexible, so like if you needed nights off one week they'd have no problem switching you around. It's great.

YOONGI: Alright, cool. You need me to bring in a resume or anything?

NAMJOON: You can just email it to me if you want. I'll pass it on. Give you a good word.

YOONGI: Cool, thanks Joon-ah. (looks like there's something else on his mind)

NAMJOON: (probing) So that was all you came in for? (turns to continue putting away books)


NAMJOON: (concerned, puts down the books) Hyung, you can talk to me, you know?

YOONGI: Y-Yeah, of course. I know that. Not that I have anything on my mind. But when I do, I'll definitely.... come to you. (backing away) Really value your advice. Thanks again, Namjoon.

NAMJOON: (not having it) Hyung.

YOONGI: (sighs, giving in) Yeah, I know. You sure it's a good time?

NAMJOON: Actually, I was just about to go on break, so it's great. Come, let's go sit in the back room.

YOONGI follows NAMJOON to the staff room, which is just a small area with a table and chairs as well as a coffee maker and small fridge. NAMJOON takes a container of leftovers out of the fridge and sits.

NAMJOON: You don't mind...? (pointing to his food)

YOONGI: No, no, go ahead.

NAMJOON: (eagerly shoving noodles into his mouth) So what's really up?

YOONGI: I uh, I think I really screwed things up with Hoseok.

NAMJOON: Hobi hyung? (stops chewing, swallows, looks up) What happened?

YOONGI: Well, apparently everyone knows about my feelings for him, right? (Namjoon nods) I may have confessed and kissed him?

NAMJOON: Isn't that good?

YOONGI: I thought it would be. He seemed fine right then, but now he's been avoiding me like the plague and it's been almost a week.

NAMJOON: Oh. (takes another bite, chews thoughtfully) Maybe he likes you back and just doesn't know what to do about it?

YOONGI: I don't know, Namjoon. This doesn't seem like the Hoseok I've had as my best friend for five years. He's never avoided me like this. Usually he's the one making me talk about my feelings, and you're saying he's hiding because of his? No way. There's something else going on.

NAMJOON: Well, what are you going to do about it?

YOONGI: That's the thing! I don't want to fuck things up even more by pestering him about it. I know better than anyone that it's hard to open up to people, and being bothered about it only make it worse.

NAMJOON: Yeah, I guess... (to himself) Man, neither of us are having any luck with our feelings.

YOONGI: Hm? What was that, Joon?

NAMJOON: Huh? Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself.

YOONGI: (smirks anyway) Still pining over Seokjin hyung?

NAMJOON: (splutters) H-How?

YOONGI: (nonchalant) Oh, one night you went out with Jackson, he told me about how you were super wasted and going on and on about how hyung would never love you back.

NAMJOON: (red in the face) I'm going to kill him.

YOONGI: Jackson or Seokjin?

NAMJOON: (groans) Who cares? Maybe myself too, while I'm at it.

YOONGI: Cheers to that.

They sit in silence for a few minutes, NAMJOON finishing off his noodles while YOONGI sits contemplatively.

NAMJOON: So what are you gonna do about Hoseok?

YOONGI: Would you try talking to him? You guys are pretty close.

NAMJOON: (laughs) Not as close as you two. But I'll try. I know how much he means to you.

YOONGI: (genuine) Thank you, Namjoon.

NAMJOON: No problem, hyung. (looks at the clock, stands) Well, I better get back to work. I'll let you know how things go... on both the job front and Hoseok.

YOONGI: (follows him out of the staff room) Thanks for the talk. I feel a bit better.

NAMJOON: Anytime. It's not good to hold stuff in, hyung.

YOONGI: Yeah, yeah. See you, Joon.



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