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SCENE 1. Seoul. The streets outside a bar. 1:14 a.m.

Enter HOSEOK and YOONGI, both slightly intoxicated.

YOONGI: I think my feet are broken. They don't walk in a straight line.

HOSEOK: Well, maybe you shouldn't have had those last, what, ten shots?

YOONGI: Coming from you, Mr-I-Can-Drink-Anything-And-Not-Get-Shitfaced!

HOSEOK: I think you somehow become more interesting and funny when you're wasted. We should do this more often.

YOONGI hits him on the shoulder.

YOONGI: I hate you so much, Jung Hoseok.

HOSEOK: Right back at you, hyung.

YOONGI: (makes a face of alarm) Oh shit. (grabs his stomach)

HOSEOK: No. No no no. (eyes wide, frantically waving his arms) Throw up over there, on the grass. Not on the sidewalk.

YOONGI runs over to a nearby patch of grass. When he's done, he walks back to where HOSEOK stands, clearly grossed out.

HOSEOK: That's disgusting.

YOONGI: You're not the one who just re-tasted everything you've eaten in the past twenty-four hours.

HOSEOK: Didn't need that graphic description, hyung, I know what throwing up is like. Jesus.

YOONGI: (sighing) Can I just crash at yours tonight? I'll probably end up collapsing on the road if I try to walk home. Plus my dad won't be too pleased if I come home like this.

HOSEOK: Yeah, as long as you don't mind a hangover lecture from my mom when we wake up.

YOONGI: Better than whatever 'talk' I'd get from my father. (snorts)

HOSEOK: We'll see how it goes, it depends how angry she is.

They laugh and walk off.


Later, Hoseok's house.


HOSEOK: Home sweet home. (switches lights on)

YOONGI: (wincing, hand on forehead) Holy shit, I'm absolutely fucked.

HOSEOK: I'll get you something, just wait here. Make yourself comfortable. You get the couch.

YOONGI: (scoffs) I'm honoured.

HOSEOK: (sarcastic) Yeah, you should be, asshole. You know how much shit I do for you, how many times I've saved your ass–

YOONGI: Okay, okay, I get it!

HOSEOK: Good. Now, I'm going to get some painkillers cause you're an asshole when you're drunk.

YOONGI: I'm pretty sure that's Snickers.

HOSEOK: I'll give you a fucking Snickers...(frustrated, grumbling as he walks away)


YOONGI: Wow, I hate myself. (laughing to himself, lying down on couch) Christ, these lights are bright. Did Mrs. Jung get the fucking sun as a ceiling light?


HOSEOK: Here are your damn pills. I'm going to bed.

YOONGI: Thanks. Night, Hoseok-ah.

HOSEOK: Night hyung. You know where the bathroom is.


Still Hoseok's house. 9:27 a.m.

HOSEOK walks down the stairs, yawning. YOONGI stirs, awoken by the heavy footsteps.

Enter MRS. JUNG, hands on hips, visibly unimpressed.

MRS. JUNG: Well, well. The party animals are awake.

HOSEOK: Morning, mom.

MRS. JUNG: Don't you 'morning mom' me, young man!

YOONGI: (to Hoseok) Would it be a good time for me to leave?

HOSEOK: I'd advise against it.

MRS. JUNG: Why do I have to keep telling you two to stop drinking so much?

YOONGI: I mean... You don't have to. We wouldn't mind if you stopped.

HOSEOK: Shut up, Yoongi.

Enter JIWOO, in her pajamas and rubbing her eyes.

JIWOO: What's all this yelling about? I've got to go into work in a couple hours, I'm just trying to sleep!

MRS. JUNG: Sorry, dear. Hoseokie and Yoongi were out late again last night.

HOSEOK: We didn't do anything wrong! We were just trying to have fun!

YOONGI: Yeah! We were having fun, Mrs. Jung!

MRS. JUNG: Does 'fun' include passing out next to the toilet after throwing your guts up, Mr. Min?

YOONGI: (embarrassed, hiding face) No...

JIWOO: Aw, eomma. Go easier on them, they're young. Let them live a little before they get old and move out.

HOSEOK: Thanks, noona.

HOSEOK gets up to hug his sister.

JIWOO: No problem, Seokie. That's what I'm here for, protecting you against Mom's annoying lectures. (winks, chuckling)

MRS. JUNG: (rolling her eyes) There's breakfast in the kitchen, boys. Help yourselves.

HOSEOK: (brightens) Thanks mom! Love you mom!

YOONGI: Love you Mrs. Jung!

Exit HOSEOK and YOONGI, running.

JIWOO turns to MRS. JUNG, confused but angry.

JIWOO: (frustrated) Why do you keep such a leash on him?

MRS. JUNG: He's just become so reckless, I'm worried about him.

JIWOO: He's nearly twenty five, mom! He's not your little baby anymore!

MRS. JUNG: (wincing) I'm just trying to protect him... (defeated)


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