Chapter 1

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~Summer's POV~


I shuffle my way into school, carful to keep my head down as I go. I head towards my locker trying to attract as little attention to myself as possible. At Quincy middle school, I am what is known as the biggest loser of all time, or at least that's what everyone tells me. "Oh look at that! The loser actually showed up today! I thought we told you to go kill yourself!" I wince as I hear my lead tormenter call out my name and slowly turn around knowing that it will be worse if I don't. Tight Abercrombie clothes, perfectly straight hair, and too much Bath and BodyWorks perfume in the form of Britney Matthers comes storming towards me. She is just one of the reasons that I HATE my life at Quincy Jr. High. "Hey Nerd! I was looking for my morning entertainment!" And there's the other one I think as I here his voice. I actually jump a little this. Looking up I see Ethan Holloway, the most perfect 15 year old to ever walk the planet with his sandy blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. Every kid at Quincy was in love with the pair of them and I had the "honor" of being their personal punching bag. I wondered daily how two beautiful people could be so cruel, especially Britney, but little did I know I would never find least not for a long long time. "So did you finish my homework like I asked? You may be a loser but at least you're good for something." Britney said. S-H-I-T! How could I have forgotten?! Oh I was gonna get it. I mumbled something like I forgot. "Excuse me? What did you say?!" I could feel her giving me daggers as Ethan sat to the side and laughed. Finally looking up I looked her strait in the eye and said "I didn't get to it." Britney was fuming. "WHAT?! You didn't get to it?!? You little-" She kept shouting obscenities at me and slowly a red ball of anger built inside of me and all of the sudden I snapped. "You know what Britney? If you stopped flirting with Ethan, who obviously isn't interested, all lesson or if you stopped trying to shove that stick even farther up your ass, you might actually be able to do your own homework!" A hush fell over the crowd. Had I really just said that?!? Me? The loser nerd Rosie Hunter? My anger quickly turned to fear as I glanced from Ethan, who looked utterly shocked and clueless, back to Britney who now looked ten feet tall and red as a tomato. " DARE! You say that to ME!!!!" Those were the last words I heard before she pounced on me, literally beating the shit out of me, calling me everything from fat to pizza faced to names I hadn't even heard before, and all I could do was lay there and cry, hearing the echoes of the crowd and believing that all of it was true. That was my last day at Quincy Jr. High.

*End of flashback*

"Summer... Summer... SUMMER!" My head whips around as I'm snapped out of my painful memory. "Summer, darling, we're ready for you!" I got up out of my makeup chair and stepped out of my robe revealing a lacy black bra and thong and head over to a white backdrop where Felipé is waiting to start. I start to pose and he clicks away "beautiful Summer! Ah! Excellent! Turn this way now..." I block it out and give my soul attention to the camera, as if it were just my and the lense. Once we've finished I've almost broken a a sweat as I go and change, music still blaring with a heavy beat. "Beautiful work Summer! I'm just in love with you!" Felipé declares. I adore him. He's definitely my favorite photographer. The day I left Quincy I didn't just leave Quincy, I left California all together. My mother was a high end fashion designer who got a huge job in New York and my father who was an architect, owned a firm in both LA and NYC and we decided it would be a good time to start over. I was still a wreck from what had happened, but New York changed me for the better. After two therapists and a cross country move I finally realized that the reason why the things my bullies said to me had hurt me so bad was because I thought it was true. When I got to New York I decided that I wanted to feel good about myself. I know longer wanted to be 'fat rosie' or 'pizza face' so I changed my lifestyle. I started eating better, getting more sleep, exercising daily, and seeing a dermatologist. By the time I turned sixteen I was unrecognizable. I had a killer body, perfect hair, and crystal clear skin, but most importantly, I was happy. I was so happy in fact, I didn't think that things could get any better until I was walking into starbucks one day and everything changed. After ordering my chai tea latte, a woman who introduced herself as Kelly Kline walked up and asked me if I had ever modeled. I was stunned! Me? Rosie Hunter a model? Yeah right. But Kelly was all business and no bullshit so she gave me her card and before I knew it test shots turned into photo shoots which turned into a spread in PINK, my big break, which is how I ended up the number one Victoria's Secret Angel with big brand offers and around the world campaigns and fashion shows lined up every weekend. That was how I transformed, I said goodbye to Rosie Hunter and Summer Vanderwall was born! My parents and I had decided that it would be best if I changed my name because I was so young, that way I could be my supermodel self but still have a normal life at home as Rosie. I know, I became the real life Hannah Montana except to me it was way cooler. I bet you're wondering if I was so content and happy in my new life then why was this awful memory haunting me. Why you ask? Because I, Summer Vanderwall, international supermodel, would be returning to high school and facing my fears and my old bullies. I would be going back to California and once again becoming Rosie Hunter, well....almost.


Hi guys! This is my first story and I'm really excited about it! I hope you really like it and if you don't please keep it to yourself. 🚫No Negativity🚫 I mean common guys, it's a wattpad story, I already know its cringy! But leave a comment down bellow if you like the story or something cool about yourself! Xx

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