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BAM! TIME FOR SOME HOMESTUCK ACTION! Sorry if I piss anyone off by using there typing quirks I just love them ssooo much!



*Here you are now Eridan Ampora, you are 6 years old, you are about to start your first day of kindergarten *

Eridan was so excited to start school today, all these new kids to talk to and things to say to them. He was fixed up in his favorite cape and thought he'd bring his wooden wand to show his new friends.

He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, and Cronus gave him a strange look. "Wwhat's the matter dad?" He asked in confusion. "Vwell I just think some of the kids at school might say somefin' to you if you go in there dressed like that, squirt" he responded messing with his hair.

"Wwell I don't care." He stated strongly. "They'll probably just be upset cause I'm lookin' too cool."

Cronus laughed "Vwell alright kid, you knowv, vwhen I first vwent into school, I had my hair slicked back and I vwas vwearin' my leather jacket and I vwas all dressed up like Danny Zuko feelin' all cool and you knovw vwhat they did?" His dad said to him.

Most of the time he thought his dad was pretty boring, but he was a little curious anyway so he looked up at him and said. "Wwhat'd they do?"

He sighed, "They call freakin' laughed at me" he said looking down. "Oh, wwell that's pretty sad." He said, a little confused but mostly feeling pretty bad. His dad looked up and smiled him. "But you knowv vwhat I did?" He asked.

"Wwhat" he replied.

"I told them to go screwv themselfvwes of course! I hit him and I kicked them and I showved him vwho's boss around here!... but of course I got in trouble for that, and I didn't get too many friends either. Point of the story kid is knowv you're cool, and please don't care if anyvwone says you're not." He finished, and went to go give him his packed lunch.

"Wwell duh, I'm awwesome" he responded, since that's kind if what he had said in the first place.

His dad just smiled and handed him his lunch, "Vwell that's the spirit. Just keep it" Cronus told him and grabbed his keys from the table.

"Bye mom, sea you after!" He called to his mother, who shouted something angrily in Japanese as he heard her light up another cigarette.

"Um, you too!" He said leaving to the car with his dad. He was never really close to his mother, he didn't know why he never learned her language or why she was always so angry, but when she was not being so aggressive and angry and violent, she was pretty nice, he knew that, and he'd always love her anyway. Even if one of the only things he knows about her is that her name's Damara.

After he said goodbye to his father, he walked into the group of kids in the recess yard and decided to greet the coolest looking guy there, or at least the most approachable. He saw a boy with brown hair and 3d glasses on. He was wearing a black shirt with a yellow Gemini symbol on it and grey jeans. He was playing on some sort of play station or something and Eridan was really wondering why he had it and if he'd get in trouble if he got caught with it. Eridan tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me" he said. Show him confidence. Show him confidence. Show him confidence.

"Aw! 2eriiously?!" He shouted angrily. "You just kiiled me, jerk." The boy yelled at him.

He wanted to apologize, but he was being so mean, and HE was not the one being a jerk anyhow. "Wwell you shouldn't evven havve that in school!" He shouted back angrily.

"Aww, look howw, cute" the boy responded, mocking his stutter. "Learn how to 2peak before you talk to other2, nerd!" He said, pushing him over.

"Point of the story kid is knowv you're cool, and please don't care if anyvwone says you're not." Those words went though his head... " Wwell I'm gonna be the cool kid and wwalk awway"

He said. "Cause you don't knoww wwhat you're talkin' about"

The boy laughed. "Whatever, teacher2 pet!" And as he walked away he heard the boy call out "and you better not 2niitch on me!!"

"Wwhatevva li2py boy!" He called back mocking HIS speech problem.

"Oh iit'2 on now" he heard the boy say and turned to see another boy holding him back, he had a grey sweater and black sweatpants. Thank gog for him.

Suddenly he felt a girl grab his shoulder, he flinched thinking it was one of the boy's friends. But was relived when he turned and saw a girl with a sweet gentle look on her face looking back at him, she had a lot of necklaces and jewelry on and seemed to have goggles on her head... odd. But either way he was so happy to see her.

"Wwoww" he said, more to himself, looking at her.

"Wh) (at?" She said, looking confused.

"Nothin' you're just... really, really pretty" he said back.

She giggled "t) (ank you!, and h) (ay, don't worry about Sollux, ok? ) (e's just a big meanie!"

"You mean you hang out wwith that boy ovver there" he said surprised.

"W) (ale, ya) (, believe me, ) (e's reely not as bad as ) (e seems" she said.

"Oh... wwell do you still wwanna be my friend?" He asked, thinking maybe she won't like him because of this Sollux boy.

"W) (ale OF COURS--E! " she said hugging him, which made him flinch a little at first until he smiled and hugged her back. The smell of her pretty hair made him feel warm inside.

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