Epilogue | Part one

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Aliyah's Outfit

Aliyah's Outfit

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Aliyah's POV

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Aliyah's POV

I ran as fast as I could. No way. Not Happening. I could hear the sirens catching up. "C'mon Griff! Into the forest!" I said while still clutching on to the 100 inch plasma tv. We both darted into the forest the find out hiding spot safe. I set the tv down on it's stand that we stole not too long ago. "I can't believe it-" I say, Out of breath. "We've made it this far." Griff says- clearly not out of breath. I run to the kitchen to grab an apple. "Hey Griff?" I ask. "Yeah?" "Remember the first day we met?" I say chuckling. "Yeah- We were both stealing something from the hole." He says, chuckling as well. I head back to the living room. Griff pulls me into a hug

"I Could never have a better crime partner than you" He whispers into the my ear

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"I Could never have a better crime partner than you" He whispers into the my ear. The sweet moment was ruined by heavy knocking on our door. "This is the police open up." I let a tiny gasp out my mouth. The Police take the door down without any warning. They pull us apart forcibly and do nothing but kick at the police men. 

Aliyah's POV

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Aliyah's POV

I get taken to the girls side of the juvie and Griff gets taken to the boys side. Why does it have to be like this. It's like so not fair. Anyways my cell mate turned out to be a psychopath 15 year old Woohoo! Her named turned out to be Titan, or Tan for short. "So-" I say, trying to hopefully start a conversation. "What'd you do?" Tan asks me. "Stealing-" "Pshh...That's nothing-" "I'm Eight-" Tan's eyes widen in shock. "In this case, great job." I turn to my pockets, hoping there's something inside. I know I know, the police have patten me down- but it's hard because they're men and I'm a girl so... I find a knife inside my left pocket. "Score!" I say. "Hey!" Tan says to me. I turn around. "yeah?" "What's you're name, I never got it." "Aliyah- Aliyah Harper." "Huh, So you're the other troublemaker that's on Moose Rump's Most wanted-" "Yep, And I'm glad to be there." Our cell door opens as a police man says. "Alright Girls, Dinner Time."

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