Epilogue | Part 3

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Aliyah's Outfit

Since it was dinner, I had nothing to eat but slop

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Since it was dinner, I had nothing to eat but slop. I grab a tray and wait in line. "Next!" I hear the lady call as I walk up. She puts nothing but slop,slop,and more slop on my tray. Thinking of an idea, I grab a spoon. As I walk over to a table I hear people muttering "Look! She's on most wanted! She's only eight!" I couldn't get to my table cause some "pretty girls" Were in my way. "Hey little freak! Were are you going?" The ginger said out of the three. "Yeah! Don't even think of trying to escape!" The curly brown headed replied. "Well, well, well. Moose Rump's most wanted- trying to escape on their second day..." The blondie, Well known as Evalyn said. I scoop up some slop on my spoon. "Freedom's heaven Evalyn, the opposite of were you're heading." I say as I pull the spoon back to see the slop on evalyn's shirt. I walk over to my table and laugh. "You little!-" She starts to say but I cut her off with a ' Should've known not to mess with me ' Look. I scoop more slop in hopes of trying to hit a couple of the gaurds. "One....Two....Three!" I say hitting them all. Then they all try to rush the prisonors to their cells for a "Lockdown Drill" The gates were about to close when I slided right under. I run over to the boys side and knocked out a gaurd and took their sunglasses. I walk right in, unnoticed. "Griffyndoor!" I whisper, calling Griff by his secret name. "Ally-oop!"Over here he whispers. I spot him and run over to unlock his cell. I hand him the sunglasses. "Here,take these, i'll pretend to be unconscious and you're taking me to the nearest hospital." Griff nods as he picks me up after I "fell ill." 

After we escaped, we had no clue where we were going so we just tried to hitch-hike a car

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After we escaped, we had no clue where we were going so we just tried to hitch-hike a car. "Hey, Griff! I see something!" I say, spotting a taxi, not from afar. I stand in front of the road, pretending to limp so the driver could stop. Soon I hear the brakes screech. The driver walks out and asks us "Were y'all kids going?" I look to see in the back of the car a lady in her twenties. "Where she's going-" I point to the lady in the back. "Rea-" Griff starts to say, but I stop him giving him a kiss as a warning to shut up. "The Ross residence?" He looks at Griff suspiciously. "Yes sir" I say with a smile. Me and Griff get placed in the back besides the woman that goes by Jessie. "Is it me Griff or do I have the feeling I know excately were we're heading?" I get no answer, only a snoring Griff on my lap. I laugh. "So, what're your heading to the Ross Residence for?" I ask Jessie. "Well you see my strict  father had wanted me to be in the Army, but I realized my dreams of stardom, so I moved to New York and 'ere I am." I look at her in awe not because she's a rebel, but i've never met anyone with a past like that. "Well 'ere we are." Jessie says, looking at the penthousing the Ross family lives in through the window. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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