I Will Avenge

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 I looked up at the man who spoke of that day. "What did you do to my sister?" I questioned deadly.

"I was the one who controlled her. She didn't walk in front of your zanpokto of her own volition." He said and smirked once again.

I watched as my team readied their stances and Hakaru moved forward but I grabbed his wrist.

"Lady Karin?" HE questioned.

"You murdered my sister and you attacked members of my team. I will be the only opponent you have." I said harshly.

"I watched as she sat in that little corner. All she cared about was wanting to save you. I enjoyed watching her die by your hand it was so entertaining." He said.

I felt my body trembled in anger, as his words pierced my heart and soul.

"You've been searching for her in Rukan. But you will never find her, you shattered her soul chain and my compulsion completely destroyed her mind. I ground it into the ground until there was nothing left of it. She screamed and cried until she begged for death. It made my pulse race. In the end, she only thought of you till the very end." He explained in a cruel heartless voice.

My composer shattered and rage took over. I moved forward and pushed my team backward. My hands moved to my zanpokto and unsheathed it slightly. Hated filled my being. "Take His Soul, Raigetsu," I said as I looked at him my eyes burning with hatred.

"NO Lady Karin." MY team yelled.

"Karin, you released you zanpokto!" Toshiro exclaimed his voice filled with shock.

"YOU WILL DIE BY THE SAME ZANPOKTO THAT KILLED MY SISTER," I screamed and charged. His eyes widened as he found it hard to keep up. With my zanpokto released I would not lose. "I lived with the guilt haunting me every day and it was you. You were the one who killed her." I said as I charged forward. I shunpo'd and pierced his back with my zanpokto.

"You want to kill me don't you?" HE questioned.

"YOU WILL DIE!" I screamed.

"IF I must but not before I take someone else you care about with me. Who to choose or maybe I'll just take them all." HE said.

My eyes widened as I saw his zanpokto split. One toward Fuku and one toward Toshiro.

"You can't save them both, just who will you choose?" HE questioned.

I threw my zanpokto at his and jumped in front of the piece headed for Toshiro. I felt it pierce my stomach and I coughed up blood. I felt my body fall backward and arms wrapped around me.

"Karin, Karin why?" Toshiro questioned.

"I couldn't lose you too, I couldn't save her but I could save you. I spent the last years of my life running away from all the people I cared about. Saying it was for the best, but in the end, I just wasted my life. I could have spent that time with you and Ichigo but I ended up shutting myself out form the rest of the world. And let you fall into the hands of someone else. And it's my own fault." I explained and struggled to get up.

"Karin your hurt you need to lay down," Toshiro exclaimed.

"This battle is mine, I have to avenge Yuzu. And I have to avenge my honor. I will never truly completely forgive myself for that day but now I know that her blood is no the sin of my zanpokto. I couldn't protect her but I didn't kill and I will avenge her." I said and got to my feet. "I will kill him, I swear it!" I exclaimed.

"That is quite the claim, care to put it to the test?" The man questioned calmly.

"AHH!" I yelled and metal clashed against metal. We went back and forth for what felt like forever. I felt my body tiring and I knew I needed to end this quickly. I let myself fall into my inner world.

"Seven years, it’s been seven years since you released me."

I turned and I saw Raigetsu standing before me. "I wish I could say something to change how you feel and what I had done. But I am here begging you to lend me your power if only this once." I said my voice weak and broken.

"Tch! I've never seen you so broken. You turned your back on me for seven years. I was alone but your heart was in turmoil which meant your inner words was in turmoil. FOR SEVEN YEARS!" Raigetsu yelled.

"I'm sorry Raigetsu, I truly am," I said bowing my head.

"My power is yours, however when this is over we need to have a very serious conversation." He said as he extended his arms and we both grabbed each other's wrist and power ran through my body. When I opened my eyes I was face to face with that man.

"Well, are you finally ready?" He questioned.

"You will die by my zanpokto," I exclaimed.

"IS that so."

My hands gripped my zanpokto and I closed my eyes. "BANKAI!" I yelled and power flowed from my body and surrounded me. We fought but his power was not matched now that I had finally released my bankai. I slashed his chest and he fell back and I kick him toward a tree. I walked up to him and stood directly in front of him. I raised my zanpokto above my head. "You will die for the sin of killing my sister Yuzu Kurosaki," I said and my zanpokto pierced his heart and shattered his soul chain. I watched as blood flowed from his chest and as it fell from his mouth. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned.

"Come on Karin, it's over let's go home." He said and he took my hand and led me away from the man dead body.

"We will collect his body, Lady Karin." My team said.

"I'll stay," I said but I felt the pain my chest and my body collapsed. I tried to breathe but ended up swallowing blood.

"We need to get her to squad four Captain Hitsugaya or she'll die," Katira exclaimed.

"I know." I heard Toshiro say and he picked me up bridal style and shunpo'd to the gate. I tried to keep my eyes open.

"Toshiro, I'm sorry," I said and my eyes shut, I was unable to keep myself conscious.

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