~Chapter Thirteen~

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At school, Jihoon sat with his friends at lunch.

"Jihoon.." Jisoo said from the opposite side of the table where he sat next to Seokmin.

"Yeah?" Jihoon responded, looking up.

"Why don't you have a lunch again?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry." Jihoon lied.

"Soonyoung took your money again, didn't he?" Vernon put in.

"N-No." Jihoon stuttered.

"Hyung," Seungkwan added. "You can't lie to us, we know. Look at all the bruises you have from them. Soonyoung, Seungcheol, and Wonwoo."

"Okay, fine." Jihoon let out a sigh. "You got me."

"Um..hi." A voice said. All the boys turned around.

This was long chapter. I mean it looks long. But it's really only 97 words.

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