~Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven~

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Yuha pouted. "Why not? Who else are you gonna go with? I should be the one you like."

Soonyoung reconsidered.

Sure, Yuha had been annoying him constantly for the past four years because she had a crush on him. But he kind of respected her persistence and confidence.

He thought that maybe he could fall in love with Yuha instead of Jihoon.

Soonyoung was never attracted to girls. No matter how hard he tried, especially when he met Jihoon.

But looking at Yuha, she definitely was not ugly.

"Fine." Soonyoung gave in. "I'll go with you."

I'm afraid that I'm gonna reach the 200 chapter limit before the first book's story is complete.

I'll make it work.

Who else is struggling with school??
So much work😖
I'm so stressed that I'm calm.

I Hate You, I Love You ❁Book 1❁Where stories live. Discover now