~Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five~

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"What was with you earlier?" Wonwoo questioned Soonyoung as they sat at a lunch table.


"You almost killed Jihoon!" Seungcheol put in.

"O-Oh....I didn't mean to be so..harsh." Soonyoung lamented. "I don't know what got into me. It was like.. I don't know. It's like I couldn't help it. I couldn't control my own body."

"Why would that happen?" Wonwoo asked.

My dad..Soonyoung thought but he just shrugged.

"We agreed to let you take your anger out on Jihoon, but not kill him." Seungcheol said.

Soonyoung knew that.

He didn't even want to hurt Jihoon.

At first he thought that doing this would convince him that he actually hated Jihoon instead of liking him. But now it became like second nature to hurt him, Soonyoung felt horrible for that.

I should be doing my french homework.
French is my worst subject....

I Hate You, I Love You ❁Book 1❁Where stories live. Discover now