Chapter I

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Third P.O.V

He didn't think this was the way things where going to happen, he thought that they would accept him even if he was the son of Satin. He thought they could still be friends, but it seems that they didn't trust him. After all, he still didn't have full control over his flames.

Even so, he thought they would at least give him a chance, a chance to prove that he wasn't going to harm them. A chance to prove that he was still human ( or at least half ).

Rin's P.O.V

It was like every other day, I wake up staring at was once my brother's bed. Get dressed make myself lunch and breakfast, walk to class. Write down some notes for half the class, and the rest of the class just stare out the window.

Open the door to cram school, ignore the death and scared stares and sit in the back of the class. Listen to my brother teach and take notes.

Go home, take a shower, do homework. Around midnight go out for a walk and come back at 3:00 AM. Repeat.

I'm very different then I was before I was always late but now I'm always the first one there ( only for normal classes ). Before I used to eat breakfast that was made by Ukobach, with my brother. Now I make my own breakfast and lunch because Ukobach left with my brother.

I was always late to class, I never took notes I only ever stared out the window. I would walk into class with Shiemi. I would sleep through the whole class, never do homework.

Go home take a shower and sleep until the next morning.

If there is one thing that didn't change that's the fact that I'm Satan's son.

~~~~~~~~~ THE NEXT MORNING ~~~~~~~~~~~

( Still Rin's P.O.V )

I woke up at 5:30 and was ready to go by 5:45. Like every day I make breakfast and my lunch. I eat in total silence, wondering into to the deepest parts of my mind.

I got lost in deep thought and lost control of time. I quickly put the dirty dishes in the sink, grab my bag and walk to class.

As I arrive I check the time, 6:30. I arrive at the perfect time not too late but not too early. I walk to my desk which was the one in the corner next to the window.

I take my seat and look out the window. The sun was rising, the way the colors combined was beautiful and yet sad to See the glowing moon slowly set.

The door opened, the math teacher came in not noticing that I'm here. And just proceed to his morning activities. Which include setting up everything he needs for math.

Slowly students started to walk in, none of them noticing that he is there. The bell rings bringing me back from my thoughts.

The teacher starts class I take notes but when it starts to get boring I stop paying attention. Yet again drifting to my thoughts.

I wonder what would have happened if I didn't show everyone that I'm the son of Satan, would it be different. Would I still have all my friends?

Would Yukio, Kuro, and Ukobach still be living here? Shiro or father, if I wasn't born, would you still be alive. I'm sorry it's all my fault that you died, maybe I should join you that way you can lecture me all you want.

It seems that time passes faster if your thinking to yourself. The bell rang indicating lunchtime. I pack my things as fast as possible and speed through the halls to a corner in the roof.

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