Prologue- A Game of Cat and Mouse

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A Game of Cat and Mouse

The interior of the bus was filled with the chime of chatter.  All around Raven there was conversation and laughter. Despite the bright atmosphere she had a feeling in her gut, a bad feeling. Nothing seemed to be wrong at the moment but the feeling was something of great concern, as if she was dreading a horrible accident. ‘But it wouldn't make sense’ Raven scolded herself. ‘Everything is fine, nothing is going to happen, you're being stupid.’ She repeated these words over and over but…

…In that instant, Raven’s unknown fear had been confirmed, without her even realizing it. In seconds her mind seemed to have fogged, and a wave of dizziness and nausea overcame her. Her sight started to fade, and she blacked out without being able to even realize that everything she had worried about, everything she had dreaded, without even knowing, became her true nightmare.

* * * *

For a moment all she could see was black. Just black. Pitch dark, black. But suddenly a bright light broke from the darkness and standing above her was the rough outline of a silhouette. Raven's eyes adjusted until that silhouette was transformed to a meek girl with short blonde hair.

 Raven's eyes adjusted until that silhouette was transformed to a meek girl with short blonde hair

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“Umm… Hello?” The girl had waved a hand in front of Raven’s face. “A-Are you… Dead?” She frantically shook Raven. “W-wake up-” The girl had a shocked expression on her face as Raven grabbed her shoulders. Her eyes were knitted in concern.

Raven opened her eyes slowly to see the girl. “Five…more…minutes...” She mumbled. She was still overcome in a daze of grogginess.

“Good—you're awake…” The girl said gleefully. Her voice was light and timid, soft almost like embracing cotton with her sound.

Raven sat up rubbing her eyes. She looked around at her surroundings and furrowed her brow. The bus she had taken was some sort of program for students attending Hope’s Peak, but she couldn't grasp what the program was supposed to be. Had it been some sort of school trip? Or a summer camp program? It's was as if someone had blurred the memory, like a book with thousands of pages filled with words, but when you tried to read it, they seemed to jumble up all together.

“What….is going on?” Raven turned at the girl. “I...forgot…... what are we doing here?” She slowly hoisted her upper body up.

The girl stumbled over her words as she tried to explain. “ w-well no one really knows- I mean we all just arrived here… an-”

“Wait.” Raven cut her off and stood straight up. “There’s more people here?”


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