Chapter 1: The Deep Dark Woods Of Despair-Daily Life

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Dark Woods Of Despair

“BONG BING DING DONG” The speaker in Raven’s cabin blasted her awake. “IT’S TIME TO—WAKE UP!”

She let out a sigh laying in the bed. She left her eyes closed as she listened to the sounds of the morning air. It was another day at the camp…

She has no idea what awaited them, after the whole announcement from Mononeko they’d just been exploring. This day could be the same, but for all they knew they were stuck here...unless...

Raven pushed those thoughts to the back of her head and eventually got up and changed out of her pajamas. To her surprise, when she opened the closet door she found 5 duplicates of her own outfit and a variety of different ones that seemed to suit her tastes.

She decided on a duplicate outfit and grabbed her key and notepad. “Well, I'll just grab a quick bite from the cafeteria and start exploring…” She mumbled to herself as she walked out her dorm.

 “Well, I'll just grab a quick bite from the cafeteria and start exploring…” She mumbled to herself as she walked out her dorm

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“Hey! Watch where you're going!” The literary critic shouted in alarm as the two collided.

“Out of my way geek!” Shine yelled as he pushed her away from him.

“I don't want trouble!” Raven argued defensively as she started to stand up again

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“I don't want trouble!” Raven argued defensively as she started to stand up again.

“You're gonna die at 3pm!” Shine shouted as he stomped off. Raven sighed, she didn't understand his attitude at all.

When Raven arrived at the cafeteria, she was surprised to see almost everyone else had gathered there too. Most of them had worried expressions plastered on their faces as they were seemingly waiting for something. Raven strode towards the table and looked around in confusion.

“ come no one's getting any food?”

how come no one's getting any food?”

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