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Hello everyone who has read this book!! I'm deeply sorry I haven't gotton the next part of the story published yet, but we all are trying very hard to finish everything first, since we have worked very hard on this book.

So, While we do that, I would first like to thank you all who are reading this book and are enjoying this series my friends and I created! We are very happy we worked on this and are publishing this in different medias besides Amino.

But let me state, this was a team effort! No one was doing more work than the others, and we all helped each other along the way with this.

Also if you all have any suggestions on what event we should have, please tell me in the comments and we shall discuss this and may have it happen. We are discussing on a scene to this but that's also up to you guys if you want! So leave your suggestions!

I hope you all have a great day!

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