Chapter 3

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Grayson's POV

Bailey and I slept over at the hospital that night. We all snuggled up against Margaret. She was cold so I covered her up with a blanket.

In the morning the nurse came in and served us all breakfast.

" Can we go fly again Grayson? Please?"

"Of course, my love."

This made me wonder... Could I actually take her flying? Take her somewhere new?

"Baby?", I asked, "where do you want to go? In the world?"

"Hmm", she responded, "Paris. I've always wanted to go to Paris."

And that were I was going to take my angel to fly. To Paris.

Later on that I asked the nurse weather or not I could take her to Paris.

"If you do, it's gonna be a huge risk."

"I know but she wants to go. And what else has she got left to risk?"

The nurse thought for a bit and then told me it was going to be a good idea.

"Baby? We are going to Paris!"

Her face lit up. "We are?! Really?! Thank you Gray!"

"Come on we gotta get you packed."

I booked first class, for all three of us. I had a nurse pack a bag for her, medicine and all. This would be perfect!

Til' Death Did Us Part- Grayson Dolan (short story)Where stories live. Discover now