Chapter 1

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    My name is Brenda Jackson and I am 16 years old. I'll tell you my back story later. Anyway, we just moved from South Carolina to Lima,Ohio. And by we, I mean my mom, grandpa, and twin brother, who is currently in Juvie. We live two miles away from my brother, who works at McKinley High School, where I'm going. I'm really nervous, I don't want to see him. He's the football assistant at the school.

I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs into the kitchen, where my mom and grandpa were. They were sitting at the table, talking.

"Hey, baby! Are you ready for your first day tomorrow? I bet you'll probably be the most popular girl because your brother is the football assistant." Mama said.

"No, I'm nervous and I highly doubt I'll be popular at all. I miss my friends mama!"

"We moved because of all of the bad memories there, remember."

"I know, but it still doesn't change the fact that I miss them all."

"I know, now go get your butt ready for bed." I laughed and kissed them good night. I took a shower, blow dried and brushed my hair and went to bed. I fell asleep, dreading tomorrow.


Monday, October 6th, 2014

I got up early and got ready. I had to get to school early so I could get my schedule. I brushed my teeth, put my makeup on, straightened my hair and put my clothes on. 

By the time I was ready, it was time to go

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By the time I was ready, it was time to go. I got into my car, which I got for my 16th birthday, after I kissed my mom and grandpa bye, and left. I knew where the school was and it was only a 10 minute drive. When I got there, I put all of my stuff into my bag, my phone in my back pocket, and got my book bag. I was one of the few early students. I walked to the office. The women in the office, Mrs. Taylor, was a nice pretty old woman. She smiled at me when I walked in.

"Are you new?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm here to get my schedule." She nodded.

"What's your name Sweetie?"

"Brenda Jackson."

"Okay, here you go. I hope you have a great first day. And if you like to sing and dance, I would recommend joining the Glee club." I thanked her and walked out. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had Spanish. I grinned, I love Spanish. I went to my locker, and saw that there was a group of people surrounding my locker. I walked over to them and said,

"Um, excuse me, can you please move? I have to get to my locker."

"Oh, sorry sweetie." A dude with a Mohawk, that was leaning against my locker said. I rolled my eyes and went to put in my combination. When it didn't work, I just banged on the door and it opened, smacking the Mohawk dude in the face. His friends laughed.

"Oh, sorry dude." I said and continued putting my stuff in my locker. I slammed it shut and turned around. I bumped into a tall boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes, who had his arm wrapped around a girl. I dropped my books and bent down to get them. The tall boy also bent down and helped me get my stuff.

"Sorry about that. Here, "He said giving my my song book. Yeah, I write songs. "I'm Finn Hudson."He held out his hand. I shook it.

"Brenda Jackson. Nice to meet you." I said.

"Are you new? I haven't seen you around before." The dude with the Mohawk asked.

"Yeah, today is my first day."

"Well, these are my friends, you already know Finn, the girl hanging onto his arm is Rachel, the short blonde girl over there is Quinn. The Latino girl is Santana, the other blond girl is her girlfriend, Brittany. That's Ryder, Jake, my brother, the dude in the wheel chair is Artie, his girlfriend Kitty, Mercedes, Marley, Unique, Kurt, Blaine, Mike, Tina, and-where is Sam? His stupid ass is late again! Oh and I'm Puck, and I would like to take you out to dinner." He said. I smirked and said,

"No thanks Puck." Then someone came running up to the group.

"There you are Sam! Where were you?" Quinn asked. The boy, Sam, was hot. He had on a tight shirt that showed off his muscles, his blonde hair was curling around his ears. He had the biggest lips that I have ever seen on a boy. He was, in all honesty, the most handsome boy I have ever seen. He seemed to be out of breath.

"Sorry, the assistant coach made me run laps for no apparent reason." He said out of breath. Then he looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Sam Evans, are you new?" I nodded and smiled.

"I'm Brenda Jackson. And are you talking about Coach Jackson?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"That sorry asshole is my brother." I said, annoyed.

"I didn't even know he had a sister." Sam said shocked.

"He has a brother too, we're twins though."  Sam made a face.

"He sure does have a hot as hell sister though." Puck said, smiling at me. I looked right at him, and walked over to him until we were inches apart.

"Look, I know how mean he is and how hard he can hit. I can hit just as hard. I can kick too. Do you want me to show you by kicking you in the balls?" I growled. He went pale. He shook his head. "Okay then, now stop hitting on me or I will kick you so hard, you'll be singing Opera for a week." He backed up. His friends were laughing. I grinned. Then the bell rang.

"Uh, can someone show me where the Spanish room is?"

"Yeah, we all have it. Just follow us." I nodded and followed them to Spanish. Maybe this year wouldn't be to bad. 

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