You tell him you're pregnant.

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You woke up feeling different. Strange. You knew something was weird from the moment you woke up.  Jack had been called into management which meant you'd enough time to take a test and find out if you really were.  He text you.

Jack: I'll be home in a few hours. I love you xx

You squealed excitedly before going into the bathroom. You got the test out of the draw, you knew that once you'd taken this one and it was positive you'd need to take another one when jack was home just to prove it to him.

You did your business and left the test on the side and washed your hands.

You walked back into your bedroom and grabbed the phone from your side of the bed ready to call jack if it was positive. After you waited the right amount of time you turned it over and there it was. The little line in the window along with the little pink cross. You couldn't believe your eyes. You covered your mouth in shock, your smile was hurting it was that big.

You scrolled for jacks number quickly and pressed call. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hi Babe. Is everything okay?" You smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Yeah fine. Uhm, I need to talk to you about something. Do you think you'll be home soon?" You said trying to stop sounding like you were smiling like crazy.

"I'm on my way now love. The meeting just finished. I'll see you soon okay. I love you." He said and you told him you loved him too and hung up the phone. You were going to wake Calvin up and tell him when you tell jack but you thought you'd let him sleep and you and jack can tell him together.


You heard the front door open and close. You heard jack walk into all the rooms to see if you were in there and then you heard footsteps up the stairs. You were lying in bed with the duvet covering your legs. Jack looked concerned as he saw you in bed and he stripped off all his clothes leaving his boxers on and jumped into bed next to you.

"Are you okay love? Why did you need me home so early?" He asked and you turned towards him smiled largely.

"I need to tell you something." You whispered acting nervous. "I-I think we need to break out the crib again," his eyes went wide.

"Shut up, shut u- your pregnant? Are you sure?" His smile was so wide. You flipped you leg over him and straddled his lap. You didn't say another word you just smiled widely and he knew without you saying a word that you were pregnant.

"I'm so excited," he said flipping you over so you were lying on your back and he was hovering over you. "Calvin's going to be a big brother. We finally get to have a baby to depend on us again and we get to go through the whole pregnancy progress and I get to go out to target at 3 in the morning and buy you barbecue crisps and baked beans and- I'm so over the moon baby, I'm so excited. We're finally starting to expand our family. We need to book your first scan. You nodded and pulled his head towards yours for a kiss.

You're kiss started to get more heated but you were broken apart as you heard the door open and in walked a half asleep Calvin clutching his stuffed penguin into his chest.

"Hi my boy, come get cuddles," you said to him shoving jack off of you onto his side of the bed and helping Calvin into the middle of you both.

Jack was looking at you trying to motion to you that you should tell him.

"Calvin daddy and I need to tell you something," he nodded turning to face you attentively. " you know we love you so much right? Nothing will ever change that," he nodded and jack took over.

"Mumma and I want to tell you that you're going to be a big brother! To either a baby sister or brother." His eyes widened.

"When will he arrive?" You both laughed at his impatientness and misunderstanding but you let it slide. " I want a sister," he said.

"The baby is asleep in mummas tummy right now and they are only small, as he or she grows, mummas tummy will grow too and when the baby feels like they've done enough growing they will come out." You tried to explain in a way he'd understand and he nodded.

"So you can't choose whether you get a boy or a girl?" He asked and jack shook his head.

"No son, but I guess if you cross your fingers and wish hard enough you might just get a little sister," he said and Calvin smiled.

"I think it'll be a sister, I do." He said and you and jack smiled.

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