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Evelyn paced back and forth in her bedroom anxiously. She held a hand on her tightened stomach and watched her dress swayed around her feet as she moved. "What could be happening tonight?" Evelyn exasperatedly whispered to herself. Her hand waved as though she was speaking but she was only talking in her head.

The sound of her heels thumped against the wooden floor board harder the more she thought.

The sound of her mother downstairs caused her to freeze in her track. "OH MR. ADAMS! DARLING WELCOME HOME!" Margaret exclaimed.

"Papa?" Evelyn said softly, looking to the closed bedroom door. Her fathers laugh echoed through the foyer caused her to gasp. Her nerves melted away and she picked up the hem of her dress and rushed to the bedroom door. Throwing it open, she ran beside the stairwell looking at her father embracing his wife. Evelyn came to the top of the stair well and grabbed on to the railing, swinging herself around on to the stairs. She ran down the stairs with a big smile on her face.

Her father Charles Adams let go of his wife and turned around with a smile on his face. He was a handsome man. He was a bit taller than Margaret. He had short dark hair with curled bangs. A few wrinkles creased in his face and some by his dark brown eyes. He wore green like his daughter and black boots to match his wife's black shoes.

Evelyn's feet his the ground floor and she ran to her father. "Papa welcome home!" She exclaimed and jumped into her fathers embrace.

"Oh my darling, hello." He said in awe to her, picking her up high enough her feet lifted on the floor. "My girls, my beautiful girls." Lowering Evelyn to her feet, Charles said freeing his other arm to embraced both Evelyn and her mother. Her father let go of her and looked at his daughter. "Let me look at you." He held his daughters face. "My beautiful girl is all grown up. Soon to be eighteen." Charles pulled his daughters face to kiss her forehead.

Evelyn smiled with a bit of tears in her eyes. "Yes, I am. Soon papa, soon." She blinked away her tears as her father pulled away.

Charles looked at his shoulder at the open front door. "Ah, of course, come in." He said to the people walking in behind him. "Welcome back to our home." Evelyn's father announced as a couple walked in with arms linked as they looked around smiling. The woman had her dark brown hair up in an elegant bun and had piercing blue eyes. Her dress was a light blue with swirled sewn patters all around. She was a lot shorter compared to her husband who was extremely tall. He had light brown hair that was short and curly. His eyes were deep brown compared to his wife. While his wife worn light blue, he wore dark blue but they both look stunning.

Right behind them was a boy wearing the same color as his father that was a bit older than Evelyn. His eyes went right to Evelyn and he smiled brightly at her.

The strawberry blonde watched, frozen in place as her eyes watched him astonished at how much the boy had grown since they last saw each other. The boy had brown shoulder length hair and matching brown eyes. He was tall and a tad muscular. His face had a cleft chin, no dimples, and a sweet, perfect teeth. To simply say, he was beautiful.

"Hello, Evelyn." He said softly to her his voice a bit deep with a thick accent, his smile growing.

"Leo." She breathed out looking up at him, a little smile on her lips.

Leo paused before opening his arms a bit. "Come here." A chuckle passed his parted teeth.

Evelyn chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist. "It's so good to see you again." He breathed out against her ear.

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