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Whipping around, Evelyn's heart raced in her chest, the loose curls from her hairdo flying around as she stared down the isle. The pair of emerald green eyes landed on the man himself. She noticed that Will's hair was down, touching his shoulders and was wearing a hat with a few feathers along with a red cap over his normal outfit. He looked even more handsome than he normally does. Evelyn flickered her eyes to his face, she noticed how nervous he seemed to appear. It confused Evelyn as to why he would be. She fought everything inside of her to run to him. Her hands curled into fists, hoping that would refrain herself. But her feet betrayed her. Everything hurried down the two steps of the white gazebo and over to Will. With her white dress in her little hands, she ran and called to him. "Will!" Will's face melted into a bright smile as he saw her run over to him. He walked a few steps forward and wrapped his arms around her waist as she ran into his open embrace. Evelyn wrapped her arms around his neck, not caring about where she was and who was watching. Will closed his eyes as he reached up and held the back of her head. He pressed a kiss to the side of her head and whispered to her. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry." He whispered repeatedly into her ear.

Evelyn pulled back from him, cheek flushed pink. She dragged her hands down to his chest as she looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked softly. God, how she had missed him and what regret she felt for what she said to him yesterday.

Will's brown eyes poor into her emerald ones. "I couldn't stand aside as you did this. I can't let you marry him." He spoke softly to her. Without hesitation, Will lifted his hand to cup her cheek.

Evelyn felt her heart drum against her chest. She leaned slightly into his touch as she stared at him in awe, eyes focused on his. "Why?" The word barely came above a whisper.

Pulling his hand back, Will brushed the back of his knuckles against her warm cheek, eyes following his fingers. His fingers curled back to hold her face and his eyes met her again.

"Because I love you."

The words Evelyn had begged for him to say for years finally came out his mouth. Her heart stopped for a moment then began beating once more. Evelyn blinked a few times and freezing in her place. "You do?" She finally questioned. Will gave Evelyn a sheepish smile and nodded rapidly. Evelyn looked at him for a moment. Reality struck her after that moment, her eyes filled with disbelief. She gently pulled herself out of his grasp, shaking her head as she took a few steps back. Her feet stumbled back like she was shot in the same place before. Her eyes flickered from down to the ground then back up to him. She stared at him in pain and disbelief. "I don't believe you." Evelyn finally said to him.

Will's face fell. Outstretching his hand to her, he took a few steps closer to her. "But it's true. I know it now." He stood a foot a part from her to give Evelyn her space. "Please, Evelyn."

Evelyn straightened her shoulders, looking up at him. "Did you honestly just expect me to forgive you just like that?" She asked harshly.

Will's face winced. "Kind of, yes." He admitted truthfully. Evelyn raised her eyebrows and looked at him completely offended. "No-no I know that you deserve an explanation."

"Yes it seems I do." She deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest.

Will scrunched his eyebrows together and looked around him. He looked at both of Evelyn and Leo's family and friends. A blush of embarrassment crept up his neck. His eyes flickered from Leo who looked at just as shocked as everyone around them. Then he looked over at Margaret Adams who was sending him dagger glares. Lastly, he met Amelia's eyes. She gave him a comforting smile and gave him a nod telling him to go on. Will gave a nod and turned his eyes to Evelyn. "Evelyn, I do love you. I have for a while but I never really realized I did and when I did I pushed them away. I didn't want them to be true." Will didn't miss it when Evelyn took in a sharp breath, his words slicing her slightly. "I was scared of my feelings for you, it was seem unbelievably pathetic of me to say it but I didn't think they would be that strong...and they've continued to grow stronger." The way Will looked and spoke to Evelyn was like how he did in the cave. Evelyn didn't move nor look away the whole time he did so. "Truth be told, I've never felt like this about anyone."

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