Chapter 3

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“It means I know that virgin you banged last night”

Sid’s voice echoed throughout the room, both Kyle and Jason stared at his words. Jason could feel his heart thumping loudly in anticipation.

“Whoa, wait a minute why were you at Sean’s party?” asked Kyle. He still looked confused at where the conversation was going. Kyle had a big mouth and talked about Jason’s sex life to Sid as if it was some new episode on some TV show.

“It’s Sean O’ Conell’s party of course I’d be there!” Sid said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well not me” Kyle grunted and crossed his arms in his chest. Kyle knew Sean throw the best parties in town and was still angry that Sean didn’t invite him because they had a small argument the day before the party but both of them were too stubborn to be the first one to apologise.

Jason rolled his eyes at Kyle’s childish behaviour and looked back to Sid.

“Anyways, your point is?”

Sid looked confused for a moment but realized what they had been talking about.

“Ah right, the virgin. Sean told me about your little problem” Sid smirked at Jason.

“Wait how did you and Sean know each other?” Kyle bluntly asked. Jason wanted to punch the guy for straying away from the topic but he too was curious.

“Yeah, how do you know Sean? You’ve been in contact with my friends and yet you never contacted me or our parents for 2 years?” Jason glared at his step-brother.

“Puh-lease. Don’t go acting like a clingy girlfriend on me, Jason besides I already told you 2 months ago why I had to run away for the past couple of years” Sid rolled his eyes and looked back at Kyle to answer his question.

“Sean and I met a couple years back when I got into a fight no big deal you can ask him yourself I’d rather not linger on it too much it’s a long story”   He brushed the conversation off not wanting to linger on it any longer.

“Anyways, I know her because I’ve seen her in campus a couple of times and I may or may not have been the reason why she was at that party” Sid distracted himself by chugging down some soda.

Jason just stared at him urging him to continue but Sid remained silent for a while and when Jason figured he wasn’t going to say anything else he felt a pang of disappointment in his chest.

“That’s it?” Jason exclaimed in dismay. A few seconds ago Jason was excited thinking he’d be able to finally put a name to the mystery virgin but as soon as the words died out of Sid’s mouth he never felt more disappointed.

Sid let out a hysterical laugh and Jason looked at him in confusion.

“Your face” Sid clutched his stomach as he fell off the couch and  his laughter died down to silent ones, he began wiping the tears in his eyes all the while the two boys stared at him in confusion.

“Relax. You really should chill out you looked tense. Man, this girl did you good huh? Sean was right about you being whipped.” Jason looked irritated and looked like he wanted nothing more than to bang his step-brother’s head on the coffee table.

 When Sid finally saw his death glare he wiped away his smirk and looked back at him seriously.

“Okay okay, I’ll tell you. That girl’s name is Erika Daughtery, she and I ran into each other a few years back and she and I have history…long history during my-shall we say- ‘dark days’.” Sid air quoted the last part.

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