[3] [Client]

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I kissed him as I wrapped my legs around him and he was carrying me.

"OMO, this is great! Suga!! I'm so happy for you!" I said and we both looked into each other's eyes, smiling.

"Sorry to break your couple moment.." my eyes widened at the voice.

"But I'm Suga's new client" we both turned to see Chaeyoung!

"Oh god why?"he sighed.

"Treat me well... or I'll get you fired." She said while chuckling.

"Let's discuss about our plan." Chaeyoung Said.

"ALONE!" She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll clean up and I'll go home. See you later babe!" I kissed his Cheek and started to clean.

Chaeyoung did a gag sign while pointing her finger at the tongue.

"Get the garbage out of here before we start." Chaeyoung said.

"I am!" I retorted.

"I'm talking about you honey." She laughed sarcastically.

"Don't speak to her that way!" SUGA sternly Said.

"Fine!" She said and took a seat.

I quickly cleaned up and left the building. That's when I recieved a message.

I checked my message

(1) From Tae
(1) From Yoongi

I opened Yoongi's text message.

Yoongi: I am so sorry this happened.
Yoongi: I'll make it up to you after work!
Haeji: it's okay. Have a nice day :)

I opened Tae's text message.

Tae: Yo.. I heard you took a day off?
Tae: I'm having half day off work and I can go home now.
Tae: meet me at XXX cafe. I'm bored :p
Haeji: see you at 1.30!

I put my phone away and started walking to XXX Cafe since it was like two blocks away.

I can't believe that bully is his client! Like I know they dated before. I'm sure she'll do something stupid or try and mess up my relationship. People don't change!

I reached the cafe faster than I thought I would but somehow Taehyung was already instead.

"HAE! Over here" he waved his hand.

I walked towards him and took a seat. There was a Mocha Frappe on my table.

"Who put this here?" I asked tae.

"I got it for you. It's your favourite drink at this cafe after all." He said.

I stood up and hugged him.

"Thanks so much Tae! You're my Best Friend!" I smiled and I recieved a smile back from him.

After spending some time talking with Tae, we went window shopping. Taehyung was the best companion.

After that, he dropped me off and I went inside my house.

"Why are you home so late babe?" Yoongi Asked. He was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"I went out with Tae!" I said and his stern face softened. He trusts Tae.

"Oh okay! I made you dinner. It's my way to pay you back after the shenanigans Chaeyoung pulled today." He smiled and I pecked him on the lips.

"THANKS! I love you!" I said while running. Into the kitchen to find the food that was ready for me to devour.

I got it and we had dinner together.

After that I went to bed earlier than him. As I laid on the bed, he came in and slid onto the bed next to me.

He snuggled into the crook of my neck and hugged me from my back.

I want to stay this way forever.

I drifted into a deep sleep in his arms.

*Im not really sure how to start this story so sorry if there are so many fillers! Thanks for reading! Love you all! *

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