Chapter 9 - Progress

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Lexa and I were always together. Raven stopped being rude and has been working towards Lexa's forgiveness. I've grown on Bellamy. Octavia sorta been away. I don't know why, but oh well.

Since we are the only ones who can see colors right now, Lexa and I talk about how vibrant our world has been. From black and white to colors is a huge change.
"So... did you figure out your favorite color yet?" I asked.
"My favorite color? Hmmm..." Lexa sorta restated.
"Mine is called green,"
"I believe they call mine blue"

It wasn't until later when I told Raven, that our favorite colors are each other's eye colors. I can't blame me for liking Lexa's eyes, they're such a beautiful color.
Anyways, Lexa fell in love with me once and it was only a matter of time before she was going to again.

Bellamy and Lexa has a secret spot in the woods that I don't even know about.
"I have to tell you something," Lexa said, "and I might come as a shock, so don't freak out, but I'm in love with Clarke again,"
"No offense, but you're literally the last person to find out. Well, except for Clarke then," Bellamy stated.
"Oh shush. I just need to wait a little to see where our thing is heading. Do you think she feels the same?"
"Have you been paying attention, like at all, the past few weeks?"

Bellamy was right, it's like his thing. Lexa didn't pay attention. I loved her more than anything in the world. She was all I wanted.

Lexa and I have been spending a lot of time together. We've even learned the tricks of joking.
"I hate you sometimes," Lexa joked.
"Love you too, babe" I said.
"Did you just s-"
"No, nope, I didn't. I said 'loBe' that's a part of of your brain"

Okay, I panicked a little. I didn't know what would have happened if I didn't lie stupidly.
I thought after that night I'd mess everything up, again. Not to be dramatic, but I thought this would be the last time I'd ever see her again and I'd die alone. But we actually grew much closer. And not closer as in friendship, we were becoming more. She finally let me in.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to let you in, Clarke," Lexa said, "I just- I just didn't know what you wanted,"
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe all I wanted was to be yours?" I asked.

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