Hello guys and WAZUP! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long while, but I promise I'm working on that. But right now, I just want to say something important. I want to thank any of you in the army, or know some one in the army, or have someone special to you in the army. I want to thank you and them. You for being strong while they're away, and them for fighting for America. I appreciate all you people in the army. I'm grateful and I really want to thank you all. Every life does matter, and it's because of your lives we have our freedom. So really, thank you all. I will now like to say something important.
Today you can wake up and read stories on Wattpad.
Today we can grill burgers and eat hotdogs.
Today we can hang out with family and friends.
This is how we celebrate, but it's not why we celebrate.
Memorial Day is about the soldiers who have died.
We honor them for the things we have, the things they lost, and for those who grieve today.
This Memorial Day remember why you can celebrate.
Never forget.
(Got this inspiring speech of iFunny, just altered it a bit) :D