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8:12 AM

I knocked on Elliot's door, he must be ready by now, he always leaves his house at this time. As he opened the door his eyes lightened up but he tried to hide it by looking on the ground.


"I'm ready, let me just get my backpack," he says pointing behind is back with his thumb.

I started walking towards Ron's coffee when he stopped me.

"Umh, it's closed. Something happened to the owner but I don't know what.."

"Oh okay, Starbucks?"

"I guess.."

We got into the nearest Starbucks and ordered our coffees. We sat down at a small table, and almost immediately his phone started beeping. I gave him a puzzled look when he didn't pick it up to see what was happening.

"Oh it's not a call, they're just random notifications, my phone probably just connected to the wifi"

Yeah, sure. I knew exactly what those beeps meant. They were not just notifications.

"Alrighty... I'm so nervous oh my god, what do I do?" I laughed

"Just don't think about it too much, you'll do great"

I checked my phone: 8:47

"We should go? I mean, I'm always late and I don't really want to be late for a job interview" I laugh at my awkwardness

"Sure." He took his bag and we left the Starbucks.

As I entered the elevator at AllSafe I could feel my anxiety taking over and all I wanted was Elliot to say something.There was something calming about him. But no, he didn't say anything he just played with his fingers. The elevator doors opened and as I stepped out I saw Angela, who was waiting for me. She hugged me and took me by my arm.

"Come on, let's go, Gideon is waiting for you"

"What if I fuck up? I really need this job Angela"

"Shh. Gideon is really nice, just calm down and breathe. Calm down and breatheee."

I tried to calm down as I approached the door of his office. He was looking at his phone so I knocked, entering the office.

"Good morning Mr.Goddard. I'm Jennifer. Jennifer Miller." I said shaking his hand.

"Good morning miss Miller. I'm guessing you're here for your job interview?" He asked me, fidgeting with his pen.

"Yes, exactly. Did you receive my resume?" I asked him, trying not to sound too anxious.

The interview went on, with me becoming more and more confident after each question.

"Well, This was a great interview miss Miller. I'll let you know tomorrow." He said while standing up from his chair.

"Thanks, I'm looking forward to hearing something from you soon." I shook his hand again before leaving the office. I looked over at Angela's cubicle and I saw here smiling at me once I gestured a small thumb up. I texted her soon after entering the elevator, asking her if she wanted to have lunch with me and to also ask Elliot. He was cute I have to admit it, there was something about him that intrigued me, how enigmatic he looked, the way he acted, he was different and I liked it. I wanted to know more about him, I didn't care about how he liked his coffee or what programming languages he knew. I wanted to know the real him. I just didn't know how to get in that mind of his. Not yet at least.

Angela replied to me a few minutes later telling me that she couldn't come but she asked Elliot anyway and that he said yes. What? I'm surprised he agreed to come. This was going to be fun.I went home and changed into something a little bit less formal, redoing my makeup and tying my hair in a small messy bun. Why am I acting like this is a date? Am I okay? Probably not.

I went back to the AllSafe building, waiting for Elliot to come out. As I played some songs I saw a blonde man leaving the building. He looked mad. About 5 minutes later I saw Elliot emerging from the huge door of the building, looking troubled. I saw his feature relaxing the exact moment our eyes met. I waved at him, waiting for him to come. We started walking when I asked him where he wanted to go for lunch. After seeing him shrugging I had an idea.

"Have you ever tried sushi?"

"No, never. And to be honest the idea of eating raw fish doesn't really excite m-"

"Cool! We're going then" I said laughing.

I saw him trying to hide his smile while shaking his hand as I asked Siri to get directions to the nearest sushi bar.

We sat in a really nice booth near the window and I noticed him staring at me while I was looking out of the window. We stayed in silence, looking at the cars that passed. The waiter came and took our orders, well basically my orders since he let me decide what to eat, he didn't really know what to order. Once the food arrived he looked at me:

"What the hell is this?"

I laughed really hard, making him smile.

"Taste it! It's good!"

I laughed even harder when I saw him struggle with the chopsticks. I took a picture of him while he was concentrating. Without even thinking I took his hand.

"Here, do this" at that moment he pulled his hand away, unconsciously.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to.."

He looked embarrassed "it's me, I'm not used know"
I nodded, not letting him finish, I didn't want any explanation.

"Show me," he said, handing me the chopsticks.

The lunch went on with Elliot eating with a fork and me explaining to him all different types of sushi. He looked relaxed, not like the other times, he actually talked to me and I really enjoyed it. After leaving the bar we went home, walking side by side and casually brushing my hand against his every now or so.

Morphine ● An Elliot Alderson fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now