Chapter Two: Ready, Set, Draw!

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I sketched a wooden figure dancing, the shading perfect, the hues just right and the high-lights fine as well. I was satisfied, happy with the good work and the fast time I did it under too. “Koro!” He came running, like a loyal dog, eager to expect a treat. Instead, I handed him his project, finished to the very whim. “You’re the best; I promise I’ll make it up to you this weekend.”

“Yeah, well, I need new stuff anyway.” He smiled, his teeth so nice and white, the dimples appearing on the side of his face.

He was happy.

I looked away, trying to catch my breath.


He tugged at my loose curls. I glanced up, staring at his ridiculously handsome jaw line, and I sighed.

“Koro, you’re such an idiot.” I got up and walked over to the paints, selecting various colors. Paint brushes ran from big to small, and not yet knowing what I wanted to paint, I just grabbed one of each. Last, I filled up a cup with water and looked for paper.


A dog maybe? No. A farmer? Nah. Ah ha!

I dipped the fine tipped brush into a dark blue, and brought it to the side. Then, I got green, adding small amounts to make it look like the color of the sea. I let the brush caress the paper.

It looked like a monster, and out of impulse I began to paint a woman beside him.

Weird, I automatically thought of it as Koro.


The girl embraced the beast, so lovingly I was almost jealous. I painted love all the damn time yet had none for my own, no love, no romance and no boyfriend. Sheesh. I was turning out to be worse than a girl on meth, and I sighed.

“Pretty.” I jumped. Koro’s head hovered over my shoulder, his warm breath tickling my neck, and I sucked in a shaky breath. “Artists just go with it you know?” He eyed it curiously, some gears were turning in his head. “She looks like she’s falling for the water monster guy.” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Geez, was it the way she was holding him or was it the monster not trying to kill her?”

“Shaaaaaaddup you know what I meant.” I pushed him away, gaining more laughs, but I continued to ignore him. It was nearly finished, my latest masterpiece.


My heart sank at the sound of the bell. I slowly walked to the back of the room, gently placing my art on the drying rack. I stayed a few minutes after the bell to clean up my mess. “Why thank you my dear. You’re always so good about cleaning. Would you like me to write you a pass?”

“Put my name down to!”  Koro grabbed my bag and smiled, then turned back to Mrs.Florimonte to give her the information of our next class. I wiped my hands clean, than redid my bun. On the ground I spotted a necklace, with a sunrise shell, a puka shell, and some shell glass. I gasped, picking up the item and slipping over my head.


I was captivated by its beauty, the simplicity winning me over and instantly I felt as if it belonged to me. Yeah, SCORE! I’m totally keeping this! I walked over to Koro, still admiring my necklace, and saying a good bye to my teacher. We half jogging half walked out the door, heading to 2nd period. “Espanol Uno, here we come.”

“Can I have my bag back?”

“No, I’m carrying it for you.”

“Oh please…. I want it back okay?”

“Nope!” He took off sprinting, I yelled and gave him dirty looks. “For a guy who got in fight, you sure don’t follow through!” He laughs, and grins.

“It’s my metabolism baby! Bounces back like a super ball!”

“More like stupid ball!”

We skipped up the tiny stairs that led into the portable, and as usual, Mrs.Brizuela had been yelling at the class in Spanish. She was tall, older woman with gray hair that she always kept in a French braid. I waved, than took my seat in the back of class. Koro handed her our pass, and took his seat next to me. “Hey, I didn’t see that necklace on you earlier… Hal, did you steal?” I slapped him, and shook my head. “Wow, I’m hurt that you actually think I’d resort to that… but for your INFORMATION I found it in Art. And I’m keeping this.”


“Don’t you ‘Hal..’ me! This is worth so much and they just took it for granted. And stop giving me those stupid eyes. It’s mine and that’s final.” Koro shrugged. “Alright, if that’s what you want I won’t stop you.”

“Good, thank you.” For the rest of class we sat in silence. I took out my red book, suppose to be use for jotting down assignments, projects, homework, and instead I started doodling. I lifted my head after a while, and stared at the whiteboard.

Everything became blurry… and my head started to spin.”Lion, Hal, hello?”

Was someone talking to me?

“Hal, HAL!!!” I was shook, violently might add. I snapped out of my daze, struggling to breathe.


“Koro, please quiet down back there.”

“Yes Mrs.Brizuela…sorry Mrs. Brizuela.” He slumped back in his chair and watched me, hoping I’d come out of my trance. I rubbed my throat, and realized what I needed. “Ko… I need…liquid.”

“Liquid?” He gave me a strange face. “Wa…water.” He unzipped his shark bag, reaching for his water container and placed it in my hand. I let slip through my fingers, but luckily enough Koro caught it. “What the hell Halion. Come on…” He placed it on my desk, and I stared at it. Finally, I attempted to remove the cap, but sadly failed. “Oh, let me!” He grabbed back his water and swiftly untwisted the large cup-like circle cap, pouring some water in. He brought the cap to my lips and put his hand behind my head to tilt it back. “Okay. Drink.” I sipped, than gulped, then started to slurp the water like I hadn’t had any in years, causing ruckus at the back of room. “Slow down before we get in—” There was a giggle, than a rupture of laughter from the other students, and I silently cursed in my head as I realized what was happening. Koro still had his hand on the back of my head, and I quickly retreated but to my own desk.

Everyone was laughing and Mrs.Brizuela tried to settle the class. Heat crept up to face and as ratty luck would have it, I was blushing. I cursed under my breath and scowled at my peers. I hate these guys… they aren’t even in my grade! I dropped my head on the table then stole a sideways glance at Koro. As ALWAYS he seemed unaffected, resting his hands behind his head and leaning back, closing his eyes. He peaked down at me, opening one eye and winking. “Ignore ‘em.”

“I’m fine… they’re not bothering me.” He made a face and shook his head.

“Pfff. Don’t lie. You’re fuming.” I sighed and turned the other way, looking out the door and on to the football field. The sky was blue, so clear that I made a mental note to run home and grab my bathing suit. “Hey.” I looked back at Koro and tapped him. “After school. Beach therapy?” He nodded, smiling. “Cool beans. I’m down.”

“Drive me home? I need a swim suit.”

“Of course, haha. You need all the sun you can get, too white!” I punched him in his arm, the bruised one, and he winced. “Ouch woman! Bruises!” He rubbed his arm.

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I hit it.”

“Evil, aren’t we?” He raised an eye brow. I flashed my best smile, and started to pack my things back into my bag. “Class, please don’t forget that your video is due on Friday. You may now stand to return your cuadernos into to the grading basket.” Koro removed my Spanish notebook from my hands, putting our notebooks into the basket. I mouthed a thank you and hoisted my backpack over my shoulders. I was about to walk towards Koro when I was dragged out of the room by strong arms.

And boy, Koro did not look too happy about it.

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