Chapter Four: She Wasn't Ready

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A pair of yellow eyes stare curiously into mine. They are not eyes of a human, but of a creature that looks to be a large reptile-like being. Sapphire scales, ivory sharp teeth. Though, I was not at all afraid. 

I... I know this creature.

We we're swimming. The blue engulfed us like a cool blanket.

"You're so beautiful."

It just tilted its head. I mirrored it's movements. How was I not drowning anyway? I feel so nice. Like.... nothing matters.

"You're so beautiful." I said again, hoping for a response. It was massive. The body surpassed mine ten times over. Had I gone insane? Probably. Maybe I always was. 


What? What the hell is that. Stop calling my name.

Hal! HAL! Wake up... please, c'mon... Hal..

No. Nooooo. I like it here. I think I'll stay.

As I inch myself closer to the dangerously beautiful thing, everything begins to go translucent. I can SEE through my out reached hand! My attempts to touch the creature fail over and over... On the forth try, my dream world evaporates, and everything goes back to blackness.  

*cough, cough COUGH* "Ah, God, my head." 

It's like I'm about to hack up a hairball or something. I notice that I'm no longer on the hard wood floor, and that my back is propped up by some pillows. You know when you've slept for too long, and you thought it would energize you, but instead, you feel all gross and hot and your head wants to roll off of your shoulders? Welcome to my world. 

"Who do you think you are?" With utter surprise, I glance up at the Maori boy with worry creased lines and stormy eyes. In two short strides, he makes it me; scooping me up in his arms and cradling me like a child. "You're not allowed to pass out like that, ever." He murmurs in my shoulder, the vibrations tickling my arm. "Tell that to my brain."

"Brain, you're not allowed to-" I put a pillow over his face. This is crazy. Everything about today is just too cray for words. And this moment.... the closeness, the gentle way he's holding me... the worry... it's too much, and I don't think I want to make sense of it. Not right now. I hop up, still dizzy, but I decide to hide it as best as I can. I run straight for my room and pick up a  Billabong beach bag, throwing in sunscreen, a towel, some shades, you know. All that good stuff. I walk back out to kitchen and packed a couple of caprisuns and a huge bag of tortilla chips (with a hint of lime, yum) Koro snatches the bag from my hands. "What do you think you're doing?" I roll my eyes. "Where's Juku? I miss my baby." I try to go around him, but he grips my arm firm enough to stop me from moving. "I fed him and put him to sleep. He was so worried about you, and I made sure to calm him down and let him sleep off all that stress you caused him. Now. Tell me what do you think you're doing?" I rolled my eyes. "We need to go to the beach."

"After that little episode? Uh-uh. You're on house arrest."

"Koro," I looked him dead in the eye. "You know as well as anybody that  my head needs clearing. Plus, it'll do some good for your cuts and bruises to get some sea. C'mon. Just take me to the beach." He looked so conflicted, like he contemplated knocking me out with his fist just so he wouldn't have to argue anymore. After an ETERNITY, he let out a huge sigh and slung my bag over his shoulder. "A'ight woman. Let's go to the beach." I let a huge grin spread on my face, and walked out to the truck. "I hope I'm doing the right thing... Hey, do me a flavor and don't black out in the water. Or you know what? Swim only near me." Before he gunned the engine, he turned to me, and raise his brow. "The only way we're going to the beach is if you promise to stick close to me. No turning into a mermaid and swimming off into your own world, got it?" Koro put on 'Feel Good Inc.' by Gorillaz. I held out my pinky, and raised my brow back. We sealed the promise, and with that, he reeved his engine. 

"So which beach should we go to anyway?" Hmmm, damn, that's a hard question. I didn't answer him for a while. There were choke to choose from, and me being the Libra that I am, it was hella hard to decide. "Goat Island."

I hadn't realized that we just passed the beach access entrance, and Koro clicked his tongue in annoyance as he made a quick turn around. "That took you long to make up your mind." I winked, and turned up the music. "Whatevs! You still love me!" His features softened at the sound of my words, but I refused to believe it. A lot has happened, and I'm just over analyzing everything. 

I have no idea where Goat Island got it's name. We have to walk a little ways on the reef to get there; but I really didn't care. It has one of the nicest swimming spots on this island, and I wasn't going to pass this up. The parking lot was empty. We got out, and I started half jogging to the edge of the shore. "Hey, you better put these on! Remember when you walked on the reef last time?" I shuddered at the memory of stupid me (insistent on being bare foot) and reluctantly took the reef shoes from Koro's hand. Best to avoid unwanted cuts. I switched my footwear. I turned to Koro to put my slippers in my bag... and I ended up watching him taking off his shirt. He was at that part where the shirt covers the face, and you get to drool over those...those abs. He was little over lean, not too slender, but not extremely muscular either. I imagined myself helping him rip of his shirt, then proceed to tackling him to the ground and ravishing the poor boys face. And neck. And chest. And-

"Aye? What's that look for." I jumped at the sound of his voice, and quickly scrambled towards my bag that Koro had put aside when he needed to remove his apparel. "Nothing. I- I-I just couldn't see my bag." Ah shit, busted. Busted busted busted! I retreated back to the shore, not waiting at all for Koro to come by my side. The tide was pretty decent, and I was feeling rather confident as I trudged along the open reef. The water felt so nice. It was cold, but more refreshing than alarming. I liked it that way. I hear Koro's distant voice, I think saying something like Hey! You're breaking the deal! You're suppose to stick close! or, something of that fashion. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a freakin' baby Ko." I murmured. I was so determined to get to the island, not even deliciously sexy Koro  could stop me. The water went up to my waist. I brought my right hand up to my chest, and realized that i still had the shell resting peacefully around my neck. I smiled. "At least you were in my cards today. Everything may be all jacked up, but this is pretty damn cool." Up ahead, I heard a splash, jolting my eyes to check it out. 


I slowed my pace. The water's gettin' a little high anyways. I might as well take it easy and let Koro catch up to me. I may be stubborn, but at least I wasn't dumb enough to try and fight the ocean. We all know who'd win in the end. The water rose just above my breasts, and I could feel the slight pull of the current. I began treading, and doing small doggy paddling towards Goat Island. Well, the splashing returns, and the good news is, I wasn't going crazy.

Bad news?

A huge hammer head was gunnin' straight towards little ol' me.

This is what I get for not listening. 

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