His Wife

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(Doctor Rylan Pov)

I smiled at the beautiful woman in my arms still asleep from the chloroform.
She was truly an angel. My angel. My wife till death do us part.

I frowned when Greg came besides me. "Nice cabin." He snickered walking in with me. Yes I had hired a man to build this cabin after knowing that Vanessa likes them. Of course I had to kill him before stopping here so he can't have the police separate me and my angel. I resumed smiling as I walked to our bedroom to rest Vanessa down on our bed.

The colors of the entire house were made custom to Vanessa's favorite colors according to social media, some Amazon wish list items and random furniture items she liked on Instagram.

I laid down stroking my wife's hair tenderly. Finally there's no one to keep us apart. My beautiful wife will be so happy once she wakes up. I'll make her forget all about that loser.
Greg on the other hand had become a pestilence. Who's knows how long he'll stay here. But if he tries anything funny with Vanessa he's dead.
(Nurse Gloria Pov)

Nurse Gloria hadn't heard from her
god daughter Vanessa in awhile and decided to stop by her workplace to say hi but was disappointed when the only waiter there Claire claimed to not know where she was and that she didn't come to work today.

Understanding Gloria thanked Claire and decided to visit Vanessa's place after buying cookies and balloons to cheer her up but when Gloria knocked there was no answer.

"Hello Vanessa it's me Gloria?"


Taking hint that Vanessa must be too depressed to talk to anymore Gloria left her gifts by the door hoping that they'll bring a smile to her face before heading home to rest.

On the couch eating popcorn Gloria flicked on the TV to the news and her eyes widened in shock to what she saw.

(News Reporter Pov)
"This just ends that two bodies were found at the local church. The minister is dead along with an unknown man."

Gloria gasped covering her hands with her face when a stretcher rolled out with David's corpse .

Immediately Gloria grabbed her cellphone and called the police. Gloria felt now that her god daughter could be in terrible danger. Either that or she's ignoring her out of grief.

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