the prince

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"Miss? It's time to wake up." I roll around in my bed to face my maids. For once, I don't mind getting up early. I give them a sleepy smile as I put on my robe and slippers. Willow pulls back my curtains and Lillian begins to prepare my bath. Maybe it's the bright Angeles sun, or the thought of thepalace's breakfast menu, but I'm excited to get the day started.

My maids are so good at what they do and I end up dressed with makeup and hair done about thirty minutes early. With that extra time, I take to going around to my friends' rooms to visit them each privately. As I'm heading to Ocean's room at the end of the hall, I hear two girls chatting outside their rooms in the next hallway over. I recognize their voices; it's Savannah Jaxon and Paisley Wilcox. I've heard rumors that Paisley is the equivalent to Celeste Newsome from America's Selection. I get as close to them as I possibly can without being seen. I don't know what about their conversation intrigues me, but something about it does.

So, are you looking forward to meeting the Prince today?" Savannah asks Paisley, even though the answer will most likely be an astounding yes if she's anything like Celeste.

Paisley sighs sadly, although anyone could tell that it's fake. Well, almost everyone. Savannah can't seem to differentiate between real and fake. I guess that's how she ended up friends with Paisley. "I would be, but I heard that Carter already had a few intimate moments with another girl."

Obviously, Paisley is talking about me. I wouldn't call me freezing mid-curtsy an intimate moment. He complimented my singing, Lea pushed him out the door, and that was it. I'd say that's far from intimate. I shake my head and tune back into Savannah and Paisley's conversation. "He did?" Savannah gasps, falling for Paisley's mind game. "Is he even allowed to do that?"

"No. He's most certainly not. Technically, we could get that Selected," Paisley coughs and I faintly hear my name, "kicked out of here if we told anyone." She's right about that. She could get me eliminated...but that's only if she had solid proof to back up her argument. Which, for the record, she does not. There was no moment.

My foot slips on the marble floor and a squeaking noise echoes through the exceedingly large hallways. I curse under my breath and dive behind a plant before Paisley or Savannah have the opportunity to see me.

"Um, Emma? What are you doing?" The sound of another voice behind me causes me to jump up from my spot. Luckily, Savannah and Paisley have both gone back to their rooms.

"Oh, Daisy, hello." I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding in, "I was stalking Savannah and Paisley." I admit with a shrug.

Daisy cringes at the mention of Paisley's name. "Paisley is a nightmare. I was stuck next to her on the plane getting here." She puts her hand out for me and I stand up. "Poor Savannah, she doesn't know what she's in for. Let's go back to my room."

Daisy's room is more decorated than mine. She has designed it in such a way that it has a pastel aesthetic. Her maids are very welcoming toward me, which isn't surprising. I wouldn't expect anything less from the palace staff. However, they are younger than my maids and clearly new to the job. Daisy and I sit on her bed and talk about various topics, most of which having to do with Lea's club or the Selection in general.

"These pancakes are phenomenal," I mistakenly say with my mouth full. Within seconds, Silvia is at my side reprimanding me for my improper behavior. Nobody from the royal family noticed, so I don't see what the big deal is.

Silvia puts her hands on her hips, "Lady Emma, you should know that it is purely disrespectful to talk with your mouth full. That's basic knowledge..." she seems equally ashamed and annoyed. I'm dreading having an entire conversation with her. When I first arrived here, she seemed kind and motherly. Now, she legitimately acts like a hover parent on steroids. I pick up my glass of orange juice and take a small sip. Silvia's eyes are scanning the large table for any hint of another girl accidentally making an error. Luckily for me, she finds someone else to discipline. Breakfast concludes earlier than expected so that us girls can go back to our rooms and touch up our makeup before meeting the prince.


I step outside and quickly realize that Carter loves the outdoors. Either that or he wants a tan. I choose to believe the first option, considering he's the only member of his family up and walking around the gardens.

It doesn't take long for Daisy to find me, and behind her, Brea and Morgan. We seem to have found our 'partner' within the club. I have Daisy and Brea has Morgan. Amber has Ocean, but they don't talk to us that often. Daisy and I link arms and take a walk around the gardens as we wait for our turn with Carter. She finds a daisy, and true to her namesake, secretly picks one and puts it behind her ear. There are plenty of other flowers here, so I doubt the loss of one will hurt anyone. "Lady Emma!" I hear someone running up behind us.

I whip around, ready to hurt whoever this is. Daisy and I were having a riveting conversation about...well, nothing. Carter's chocolate brown eyes lock with mine for a moment. "Hello, Prince Carter." I drop into a slight curtsy and nudge Daisy to do the same.

Carter chuckles and I feel Daisy tense up next to me. People laughing at her stresses her out. "Ladies, no need for formalities. I'm a prince, but I'm a person first."

"I'd like to meet with Emma, but if you two are preoccupied," he looks back and forth at both of us, "I'll let you finish your conversation."

"Oh, uh, I can meet up with you now." I glance at Daisy for reassurance and she subtly nods.

"Great." Carter grins and I leave Daisy to roam the gardens alone for a bit. I must say, for a prince, Carter isn't the best at starting conversation.

I finally decide to take matters into my own hands, "So, are you excited for the Selection?" I ask him.

Carter seems caught off guard by my question. I almost regret asking, but to my surprise he answers. "I guess so. I'm excited to find someone to spend my life with, although this isn't how I imagined it would happen." Ah, yes. The generic reply.

I try and suppress my laugh but it slips out anyway. At least it sounds kind of sweet. "That makes sense. I know I wouldn't want to chose my significant other this way."

I see a light red blush spread across his face. "Let's change the subject, shall we? What is your family like?"

I smile softly, "Well, I have a twin brother and a younger sister. My mother and father have given the three of us their entire world, and I couldn't be more grateful."

Carter tilts his head and smiles back at me, "Tell me more about your siblings."

Finally, I can talk about Sadie and Jordan. "My twin's name is Jordan. He's my partner in crime, not literally, but you get it. If he gets a chance to meet you, he will be your toughest critic. We bicker a lot, but it's always a joke."

"He sounds like a phenomenal person. And between you and I, I'll be able to impress him. Trust me." So, Carter has a sense of humor. Good to know. "What about your sister?"

He leads me to a bench in a closed off area of the gardens before we continue talking. "Sadie is probably the sweetest little girl ever. I'd do anything to keep her safe and happy." As I speak, Carter becomes more and more intrigued.

"You seem so genuine. That's not something I can say for every girl here." I raise an eyebrow at his words. Who is he talking about? Great, now I'm curious.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying not to seem to interested. I don't want Carter to think I'm a gossip.

"I-I don't know. There are a few girls who I'm not entirely sure I'm able to trust. And I'm supposed to have an elimination tomorrow morning at breakfast, so I don't think it'll be too hard to decide." It may just be my imagination, but I notice his eyes flutter over to Ocean a few times.

An elimination? This early?



i dunno any more. here's a new chapter.

there was a glitch with the last chapter where only like 100 words showed up. i fixed it, so if you haven't read that chapter yet i suggest going back because there are some major plot points in it.

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