chapter 19

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//Hello lovelies! My name is Kara,or,according to my friends-Chara,(we pronounce both the same way here, so,it doesn't matter much to me)..and i'm a guest author here. Jaz is my OC,so I get the pleasure of writing in her pov. My writing style is a biiit different than Raven's, so bare with me please. My wattpad account is NekoCharaDreemur if you wanna check me out,but there's really mostly just Raven's art over there, because she doesn't like to post it herself.\\

A/n-thanks for introducing yourself,K-cup. :) Ok, so, the reason she is here,is because 1) she's my cousin,2) google docs deleted the beautiful christmas chapter i had for you guys,and 3) I had to start over from scratch, and we could both work on it at the same time as eachother in docs.

// yeah, what Raven, i'm probably going to comment on this,so when you see ''//...\\'' it means i'm talking, and ''(...)'' means Rae is... So, without further ado, have a beautiful christmas chapter from the both of us\\

*tem skip*

Jaz pov

'' Ok, now, me coming, why?'' i ask, holding the phone closer to my ear.

'' Because you are my best friend, duh. And also family, even if no one but a small group knows that.'' Raven giggles.

'' Uh huh. Ok. well, i'm probably under house arrest for the rest of my Christmas vacation,but i will see. ''

'' Oh, don't worry, i know you can come. Because i have a few tricks up my sleeve.''

'' Lovely. Of course you do. Should i be worried?''

''Ha ha. It's a good trick, not a bad one. ''

'' uh huh. So, what if i don't wanna go?'

'' you're coming either way, i've made sure of it.''

''And now i'm worried, ok spill. What did you do?''

'' it's a surprise~''

'' Rae. what are you planning?'' I question. She just giggles and the phone clicks as she hangs up. I think i might have been a bad influence. I grin and jump over to my desk,spinning in my chair as i open up my laptop and hop online. I completely ignore Youtube.Don't get me wrong, i love to watch videos, but i always feel a small pang of sadness when i go there. Wattpad doesn't help much,with all the Septiplier fanfics my friends suggest,which is cute,but annoying at the same time.They do realize Mark has a girlfriend and Septiplier is never gonna happen right? I grin again, knowing if i said that out loud Rae and (n/n ) would flip their shit. Then again, i suppose they cant help but ship it, literally being the products of a Septiplier ship themselves. I pull up a harry potter fanfic that Raven had started.It was really good,but she got discouraged from not having many readers and stopped writing it.

'' Willa! Come downstairs . Dinner!'' Father calls up the stairs. I sigh, and close out of the story

, taking off my hoodie and throwing it on the bed. I open up the door.

'' I'm coming ! one second!" i yell , i throw on my shoes and walk to the stairs, not walking down like a normal child who was raised to be polite would do, but sliding down the banister because why the fuck not. I walk to the dining room and sit down at my normal place.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and i look down at it. Three Hangouts messages. I grin and tell my friends i'm busy eating,though they just message back immedietly.i text them for a while before i realize that Father is talking to me. I look up.

'' -to go ......-Willa..? Are you even listening to me ? Put your phone away.'' He says,an annoyed expression on his face.. I smile sheepishly and begin to eat,puttig the phone facefirst on the table beside me.

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