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y/n. pov

'' NOPe, nu uh, nOt gonna happen.'' i cross my arms and glare at Mark.

'' Oh, come on , Y/n. it's a special occasion! Don't you wanna look noice for the panel?'' Mark asks.

'' 1) i'm not wearing a dress. 2) i'm not wearing the dress, And 3) I'm not wearing the fucking dress.''

'' ....why are you making this so difficult? Just put the dress on, kiddo. '' Mark says. Raven comes into the room , bouncing happily in her pastel blue dress.

'' I swear, you are my opposite... Is there any proof that we actually are related? '' i joke. She shrugs.

'' I dunno- but- I'MMa bunnnnnnnnyyyyyyyy....!'' She giggles, hopping up and down more.

'' You are almost thirteen, why are you so immature ''

'' Shh- i'm like ....six at heart. '' She grins.

'' welp, tell your heart to grow up before it shatters.''

'' Wow. Uh.. Y/n you okayy?'' Mark asks.

'' YEah, sorry.. Not sure what happened there.Still not wearing a dress though. '' I shrug, and go put on a black jacket and jeans.

time skip brought by...

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(^=o.o=)// *\\(=o.o^)


Whatever the hell these are.

'' '' no.''

'' wait what? I thought you were psyched about going out there'' I look at my sister, confused.

'' I waaaaaaaaaas... originally...but- Th-that's a big crowd-''

'' You can't tell me you have stage fright- Seriously? ..... ''

'' Girls- come on!, it's time to- ... Raven, what's what's wrong?'' Mark pokes his head in the door.

'' she has stage fright. She won't go out there.''I answer.. Mark sighs.

'' Well, you don't have to go out there, but i wish you would. I don't have any other people to go out with me.''

'' I'm not going ..... Have fun, but i'm not going.'' Raven says, arms crossed. She plops down in a chair. I look at Mark and he shrugs.

'' Do you wanna come with me, or stay with your sister? '' He asks . I look at Raven and back to him.

'' i want to go with you......but... Leaving Raven here alone is a bad idea, so i'll stay with her.'' I say, sitting down next to her.

'' Im not a baby, Y/n.. You go have fun, im fine.''

'' Nope. im staying with you.''

'' Allright, girls.. Behave, Okay? I'll be back in about an hour and a half.'' Mark says, looking back and forth between us and the stage. I nod and shoo him out, then me and Raven walk around a bit.

'' what are we gonna do for an hour?'' I ask. Raven shrugs.

'' I don't know bout you, but imma find a place to sit and binge watch Prinxiety stuff.'' she says.

'' say what?''

'' Nevermind.''

'' Okay then.'' I say, extremley confused.

'' Hey! Raven!, Y/n! What are you guys doing here?'' I hear. I turn around and see Max.

'' Oh! It's you! Hey. Why do you think we are here? What valid reason would we have to be here?'' Raven jokes.

'' Oh, yeah, duh. So, you aren't going on with Mark then?''

''Nah, we were going to, but shorty got stage fright.'' I grin. Raven rolls her eyes.

'' hey, Why aren't you watching his panel?'' She asks.

'' why aren't you?''

'' well, because if we went out there to watch it we would be recognized and they'd ask why we aren't up there. '''I say.

'' Also, that would defeat the purpose of me not going out onto the stage, because my anxiety would increase upon going into the crowd to watch Mark, because i would most likely be forced to socialize with the crowd.''

'' Wh..what was that? You just got''

'' ... i'm not sure-'' Raven laughs. 

''me either . Anyways. Would you guys like to come with me to get some ice-cream?'' Max asks. Raven nods.

'' Sure, why not, I'll text mark. and tell him.'' I smile.

//yup it's short, but I'm tired,and sick, and probably won't be able to post again for a very long time, since I have lost my phone service, and now have to turn my laptop back in to the school because I am graduating. Yaay- I'm going to college soon.blech. 

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