Chapter 3

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Emily's POV:

I have watched Skully fight before. He is good but not as good as me.

I study his movements, waiting for him to make the first move. He swings his right arm at my face, I block and throw a left hook, he blocks. He throws again I block again, I do a right hook, making contact. He stumbles back, but regains his footing and goes for my stomach. I grab his fist and twist it, and bend it behind his back. Then push him forward. He stumbles but quickly regains his footing. He goes in for a kick, I grab his foot and twist causing him to fall. He starts up with anger in his eyes.

"Sweetheart you're gonna regret that." Skully says. we walk in circles.

"Sweetheart. I don't think so." I go in punch him, he punches back. Kick, block, punch, block, punch, Block, kick. For 3 minutes. He goes to kick again, I grab his foot, again. And twist it, this time he goes up into the air, then comes down landing hard. He tries to get to his feet, but stumbles back and falls. 

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... We have a winner." C says into the mic.  "Halo!!"

The crowd erupt into cheers, hoots, hollers, and chants. 

"Good Fight Skully." I say, as butch, and bear start taking him out the ring. 

"WHO'S NEXT?" I call out.

A person climbs up into the Circle, and we fight. 

This one is harder then Skully, but still easy. I don't end it admittedly, I draw it on. Because I feel that after 2 fights C would try make me leave. But I  tired of seeing this man think he is good. 

"Your weak. You can't take me down." He says. I snap at that. 

I begin to fighting at full force. And 30 seconds later. "I am weak. Sure." He goes down. 

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." the crowd chants. "We have a winner again!! HALO!!" The crowd starts to scream and chant again. 

I look over at C, and she shakes her head. "Okay, I'm done folks." I say hopping out of the ring. "Thanks for watching." I grab the money off of the table, and grab my jacket and walk into the gym. 

I take a quick shower, there and then put what I had on earlier back on, and walk out of the building.

"Bye Butch, Bye Bear." I wave.

"Nice job tonight Halo." Bear says.

"What time is it guys."

"3:42 am, why?" Butch says.

"Nothing, I got to go." I say, starting to sprint down the street.

When I turn the corner, I grab out the apple out of my bag. And start to eat it.

Time skip

I reach the house, and begin to climb up the house, and into the window.

I climb in and quickly change back into my pajamas and throw my bag into the closet, turn the lamp off and climb into the bed. And pretend to be asleep.

About 20 minutes later

Father opens my door. I pretend to be asleep. He climbs onto my bed. And starts to shake me. "Baby." He whispers in my ear, "Wake up."

"What time is it?" I say faking a yawn, pretending that he woke me up.

"Time for Daddy, to use his favorite drug." He says his voice like a cackle.

"No father no!!" I say, knowing it will not work. 

"Oh yes Baby. Get up." I stand up, and follow him.

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