To you, behind the computer screen

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Hello there, young soldier. I am....Lieutenant Ashleigh (Levi: No your not) and this is my hand written guide on how to annoy almost every single person in the Attack on Titan world. Everyone. Even that hot background character. This is the half-blood prince's notebook for fighting titans and has a lifetime guarantee. It will definitely last longer than Elise's Notebook, that's for sure! 

The conditions are simple;

1. Don't give this book to anyone.

2. Feel free to share with fellow friends though (just not Pixis, I beg you!)

3. Do not give this book up! Not even if your being chased by Levi with three thousand titans behind you.


5. Also don't get food, horse shit (Jean...), Titan guts, dust, dirt or mud on it and for god's sake do not drop it off the wall especially if everyone's taking a wizz off the side.

6. I will find you, and I will kill you.

That's all, my friends, protect the book and stay tuned for the first chapter!! Also, don't forget to check out my sister story; How to annoy the Hetalia characters if you haven't! And if you haven't seen Hetalia, then go and watch it and then read my story!

As always, comments votes and fans are appreciated and are what spur my creative juices. Adios.

#Fightingtitanswhilstwritingabook #YOLO

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