The Characters

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The main characters will be described here; their appearance and some background information. But not all of what or who they are will be revealed here as they will be revealed in the dialogue later.


Graham is a 43-year-old Australian politician whose field is to promote welfare among the Australian communities. He is recognised and well-known for his consistent healthy attitude and has received rewards for his services in food, agriculture, social security and health. He is currently taking time off and has consulted mental services for what may become of his depression, possibly brought up by his responsibilities for Sofia and Valona, both of which are difficult to protect for him. He is a politician, so he wears a suit... Oh, and he wears a necklace with several gems that help him to secure his meditation practices.


A 25-year-old English girl who is currently living in exile in North East Russia, having fled from England when her parents got mysteriously murdered. She is currently living outside of jurisdictions of which she despises, having a deep opinion and faith in Universal Law. Eventually, she wishes to promote Universal Law as the only law that mankind may follow. Sofia has blond-coloured wavy and thick hair up to shoulder length. She often wears short clothing with dark-coloured robes to symbolise her love for Buddhist traditions, despite the fact that she lives in cold climates.


A 26-year-old Australian politician living in Indonesia after her horrific childhood, Valona specialises in military operations and investigations mostly regarding overseeing the Australian armed forces. Since she lives in exile, her political agenda brought on by her American Republican parents is to promote equality and fairity in all areas of social security. She is rather sceptical of non-realistic views, but has been forced by Graham to join him in with discussions by astrally traveling to different locations. She has dark-coloured short and soft hair, and is often shy when she falls in love with men.


Andrew is the protagonist. His appearance is up to you to decide. He is a spiritually open-minded human looking for new answers to life, and wishes to seek new knowledge.

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