Ahead of Time

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Graham: I’m glad you could make it, Andrew.

Valona: I’m surprised you’re letting me go through this.

Graham: Hush now, let us calm and embrace our surroundings.

Andrew (whispering to Graham): I thought we would never speak to Valona.

Graham (whispering back): It is important Valona is here, she has more government information than I do, and that’s saying something.

Graham: Okay, is everyone ready?

Andrew: Ready for what?

Graham: To discuss, of course.

Valona: Shall I start?

Graham: Go ahead.

Valona: Okay. Recently the US and Israel have established a new nuclear base just south of India on an island that is not actually registered on the world map, for obvious reasons. They have started building certain military structures that I will not mention here, but they have something to do with alien technology.

Graham: Alien technology? You’re not suggesting that Plutonian’s are behind all this? Martians, maybe?

Valona: This isn’t a joke, Graham.

Graham: Sorry.

Graham bursts in laughter.

Valona: Graham!

Graham: Sorry, I couldn’t help it!

Valona (sighing): They also mentioned something about a K-9 bomb, a nuclear missile capable of committing 37 kilometres radius of landmass.

Andrew: That’s ridiculous!

Graham: Larger, more devastating bombs, have been manufactured in the past. This is considered moderate in comparison. But tell me, Valona, what is the meaning of a base in the middle of the Indian Ocean?

Valona: Israel suspects Iran, Iraq and others are secretly planting secret missile bases in other parts of the Atlantic Ocean, again, unregistered on the world map. The US expressed concerns within the Pentagon and decided to establish this. But using Alien technology is beyond my understanding.

Andrew: Why exactly do we need to know about this?

Graham: The world is blind to this at the moment. There is heavy conspiracies surrounding this. One of them is the idea that an entire race of Humans can be killed using certain alien artefacts brought by the very first alien encounter many decades ago. Apparently a virus can be manufactured in such a way to include the genetic base DNA of any race of Human, so with the right understanding and expertise, that virus could potentially commit genocide to an entire race of Human.

Andrew: Who would do such a thing!?

Graham: Pharmaceuticals; ironically owned by Jewish families.

Andrew: Why ironically?

Valona: Because the pharmaceuticals have been testing this virus for decades within Israel itself.

Graham: It’s all about population control at the end of the day. However, this secret missile base is pretty big news. If anyone knows about it and its precise location, the US Pentagon have the rights to silence those who know, either by murdering them or keeping them jailed for the rest of their life.

Andrew: So why are you telling me this? I don’t want to be victim to this…

Graham: We haven’t told you the precise location, so there is nothing to worry about. You could just say we made it all up, which we could have.

Andrew: Hang on a minute, so it is made up? I’m here for nothing?

Graham: Just play along, you can come to your own conclusions later. Carry on, Valona.

Valona: Another ironic thing is that the US have said nothing about any alien technology being used in their latest military operation. The remote viewers they are using to keep “an eye on things” is actually ridiculous, a total count of fifty-seven.

Graham whistles.

Silence distils the air.

Valona: Except for the obvious, the only truly notable thing to keep in mind is the fact that the US won’t use any nuclear missiles there as they will easily disclose the location which makes the base almost entirely useless apart from maybe using it as a dummy.

Graham: A dummy? You mean, like a guinea pig? Literally just standing there waiting for its master to call out for it?

Valona: I think there are greater things at work. I also think that a certain person could be under threat.

Graham: Who would that be?

Valona: Sofia.

Graham looks anxious.

Valona: I decided to tap and find out where she is; she has good protection. And don’t worry, Graham. Yes, while we did have… you know what together; but I recently discovered new remote viewing locations near where she lives.

Graham: What!? How? And when?

Valona: I meditated this morning, and the remote viewing locations are getting closer to her. But neither the US nor the UK government are actually looking for her, they’re in fact finding a location that is safe enough to build another secrets operation.

Graham: We need her to get out of there, and fast. Where is her location? Can you tap again now? Try and ask her inner-self to meditate here.

Valona: I will do my best.

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