The Great Consciousness

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Andrew: What is the Great Consciousness?

Graham: The Great Consciousness is the most powerful entity of all – it is invisible in all dimensions, but it is the very thing that consistently generates positive and negative energy. It controls all things, from the smallest speck of dust to the largest sun in the universe.

Andrew: How does it control everything? Must have a pretty large brain to do that.

Graham: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Andrew: What do you mean? Wait a minute… Are you saying we are all part of the Great Consciousness?

Graham: Yes. We are all connected, we are only a small influence on its energies. Nature is like a massive computer program, a piece of software that pre-programs all living things. Stars will do certain things, planets will form in the intention of the Great Consciousness. All of nature is perfectly balanced.

Andrew: If it’s perfectly balanced, how come we are here?

Graham laughs.

Graham: I see what you did there. All of positive and negative energy creates domino effects; they are the program that practically copies itself over and over. Negative emotions will copy and affect others, same with positive emotions. But the whole can control it.

Andrew: So even though all life can influence these energies, the Great Consciousness can still control us?

Graham: Yes.

Andrew: So what can influence us to be negative or positive without it first being produced?

Graham: Every animal, every Human, consistently produces positive and negative energy. It is required for all things, that positive and negative balance is required for nature to do its job properly. Nature is a program, as I mentioned, it curates the positive and negative energies that we produce in our daily activities. If we harm nature in the process of our daily activities, Nature reserves its right under universal law to use the negative energy that Humans produce against them. Stress, frustration, anger, hatred – these are all products of our meddling and negative influence on nature.

Andrew: Once again, you imply that we should promote peace and harmony.

Graham: That is the idea, yes. I want to engrave in your mind that Peace is essential for survival. You must have an influence of peace, even if it is little, at least so nature gives you the chance to reproduce positive energy. If you are not producing any positive and only negative energy, Nature will reproduce that energy against you. This may not be until later in your soul life.

Andrew: Soul life?

Graham: They call it “karma”. But in reality its Nature’s way of saying, “it’s your turn to be punished for your wrongdoing in a previous life.”

Andrew: So what if you don’t know about your wrongdoings in previous lives, and particularly for those who don’t believe in such things, suffer for 3 years after their born and become victim of a bomb, just as an example?

Graham: Honestly, I could not give you an answer to that. Your intuition can tell you your wrongdoings, and naturally you will know what is wrong. But if you are already a sceptic, then the possibility of knowing you had done something wrong in a previous life is reduced significantly. You see, those who are ignorant of themselves deserve to be punished, and Nature simply doesn’t care.

Andrew: Does Nature care about anything?

Graham: Nature is a program, not a soul. It does what it is programmed to. If it had a soul there would be no balance in anything, there would be no universal law, and there probably won’t even be life. Basically, the point of life is to promote peace and harmony and attempt to avoid all forms of negative energy. But since everyone produces both energies, Nature must balance it. There will always be suffering, and there will always be those who ignore it and get along in life.

Andrew: Being selfish is good? Ignoring people who suffer sounds like a terrible thing.

Graham: Tough love. The only way to be nice is to be cruel. You can’t care for someone if you are consistently helping them. It is okay to aid people by giving them advice, but it is not okay to consistently give them material aid, because this only punishes you.

Andrew: Okay, I’m confused. You just implied promoting peace and now you’re saying that being cruel is the way to be kind…

Graham: You don’t get it, do you? There must be a balance in all things. People who suffer WERE the criminals in a previous life. Helping a criminal while nature is attempting to balance it makes you a criminal. People who live in extreme poverty are probably victims of World War 1 and 2 in this generation, the soldiers who killed innocent people. Some people may be punished more than others, but you must put things into perspective. Don’t aid people just because you feel it’s a good thing, you may be punished too.

Andrew: So the Great Consciousness is this big program that controls all energy?

Graham: Yes, to put it simply. If you want to aid people who suffer, you should teach them patience and tolerance, teach them optimism. The more optimistic people are, the more peace can be promoted. Remember that challenge is a part of life, attempting to avoid challenge will only hurt you. How does the saying go? “People who take the easy route will find life difficult, while people who take the difficult route will find life easy.” Just because a path looks easy to climb doesn’t mean nothing lives underneath it.

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