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(Side Note) I'll be doing the story based off the game and not the anime. Also I do not own anything from this franchise all of it Character, Story, etc belongs to its respectful company.

So with that out of the way let's get this first story started!

3rd Pov
I...I have questioned at times why are we here? Why were we forced to fight? Are we to be simply food? Resource? Little prey waiting to be eaten in this accursed world that we call Earth? Or perhaps after all these years we finally have somewhat of a chance to stand on our own feet without having to be knocked down by someone...or rather something,...and that something is known as the Aragami I haven't the slightest clue how they showed up but, they have brought humanity at battle and so far we have been doing our best to force them back to eradicate them but, in all honesty sometimes our best isn't least I certainly believe so, while it's true we have manage to push them back that's all we've been doing I hope that we can make a difference soon. Luckily I've been chosen as a candidate for the test as a New Unit Type someone who can switch my God Arcs from Melee to Gun I honestly hope I succeed but, I will cross the bridge when the time comes."

??? Pov
"We stand about waiting for the right moment to strike the Vajra feeding of the Ogretails. I nod to the others confirming to strike after that we all rush in and kill the Vajra."

- - - -

"After that fight I go and retrieve the spoils and hey wouldn't ya know it I manage to get a rare one."

???:"Hey its a rare one."

???:"It's a strong one. And to the victory goes the spoils."

???:"Old Man Sakaki's gonna have a fit when he see this."

???:"Heh. I'd like some reinforcements out here for a change."

???:"Let's call it a day here. I'm starving."

???:"Speaking of. What are they serving today?"

???:"Honestly I wasn't really paying attention at the last meeting.."

???:"Oh wait! I remembered some kinda of new engineered corn or something."

???:"Ughh. You mean that same corn on the cob fiasco? It's hard to chew..."

???:"Yeah we have make do with what we got...We should be grateful we're even eating anything."

???:"Hey,Soma. How about a trade? You like corn right?"

Soma:"Quite the offer but I'll pass."

???:"Hey come on you two. If we keep up at this pace there really won't be anything at all!"

???:"(Oh yeah come to think of it weren't we possibly getting some new recruits today? Well we'll see when we get back to base.)"

??? Pov

I was sitting in my office waiting for any news for newest recruit who is also a possible New Type as well I can hope that if we do have a New Type all I can do is see if he or she manages to succeed the first part...well all I can do is hope..."


???:"Pardon the interruption, Director. I believe Norn has found a match. A potential New Type God Eater, sir."

Director:"Very Good. Send me the data to my personal terminal...."

Director:"As well as summon them. There's potential, but they have to pass the first test."

(Y/n) Pov

"I have to keep taking deep breaths as I put my information into the terminal as I get ready to go and see if I can become a God Eater."

(Y/n):"(Right...I can do this. I can do this. I can do this!)"

"As I enter the room I look at my surroundings and see that this room is probably used for training or practice though that's just my guess. My thoughts were interrupted as i heard a Male's voice echo throughout the room."

Director:"Terribly sorry to have kept you waiting."

(Y/n):"It's fine sir."

Director:"Heh right. Now allow me to welcome you to humanity's final fortress. The stalwart bastion of Fenrir."


Director:"In this chamber, we shall test your compatibility to join the Anti-Aragami Punitive Force. Also known as the God Eaters."


Director:"But please, do try to relax. I assure you there is nothing at all to fear."

(Y/n):"(You can say that all you want, but I can't help but shake in my shoes.)"

Director:"I know this must be a lot to take in, but whenever you're ready place your wrist within the device at the center of the room."

(Y/n):"*Breathes in and breathes out* Right can't back out now especially after all they done for me...*You say as you start walking towards the device.*"




(Y/n):"Right...Lets this. *You say after placing your hand on the handle.*"

Words can't decipher what your feeling right now, the only thing that can is you body and at this moment your hand is shaking, but shortly it doesn't matter as you see the device close down annndd-


(Y/n):"Aaaaaggghhhhh!!! Dammit this is painful!! *You yell while grabbing you arm out of desperation to ease the pain.*"

Director:"Yes it is. Then you should use this pain against the Aragami's that have wrong you! Taken any happiness you had! As well as friends, family use any aggression you have against your foes that will stand before you!"

"What seems like forever finally ended as the device opened it's self and soon slowly lifted itself up and stoped."

(Y/n):"Aggghh!....Finally it's over...*I say as I lift up my God Arc and view it and all its glory, only to see something pop out of my God Eater and stick something into my armlet.*"


"It was probably nothing to serious so I don't have to worry about it I guess."

Director:"Congratulations are in order. You are the very first of our New Type God Eaters!"

Director:"You have passed the first test."

Director:"And now that we're certain you're a God Arc match, we must make sure you are suited for it with a physical."

(Y/n):"(Oh trust me I've been doing everything I can physically to prepare for combat training.)"

Director:"Now if you would please wait in the Lobby, it's just beyond the door. The doctor will see you shortly and if you start to feel unwell let us know immediately. Understood?"

(Y/n):"Yes Sir."

"After that I start walking towards the door to leave the room."

(Y/n):"So this is it my life here in Fenrir. I hope I can live to tell my tale and not fall in the battlefield.."

After that I make my way back into the lobby and see some guy who looks my age, so I decided to sit next to him and wait until further orders. That was until the kid spoke."

???:"Sup you want some gum?"

To be Continued.

Fight your Gods (God Eater x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now