Ch.6 Recovering

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So last Chapter things were going normal for our young New Type until he witnessed the death of a comrade named Eric, which affected (Y/n) to where he had to take some time off. Will he pull through? Or will this permanently cause him to quit? Let's find out now."

"Also I do not own anything from the God Eater franchise all of it Characters, Story, etc, all belongs to its respectful company and owner."

"You belong to yourself."

(A/n):"It's kinda sad that Eric was introduced with Soma only to get killed off just for story reason. Well that's my two cents anyway back to the story."

3rd Pov
"It's been a few days after the tragic lost of Eric, and everyone was deeply saddened by his lost, (Y/n) has taken it a bit harder since he was right there to witness it, he still tries to go on missions, but after that he heads straight to his room and sleeps. Kota and the others come by to check the troubled New Type and do what they can to lift his spirits which manage to work. Kota came by to visit (Y/n) to ask him if, he wanted to watch Bugarally or play video games so of course he picked both. So now the two were hanging out in his room playing some good old games just enjoying their time hanging out."

Kota:"So you doing alright buddy?"

(Y/n):"Mmm..Yeah I's just what happened kinda made me...well you know."

Kota:"Yeah I get what ya mean, but..."


Kota:"I know it may not be for me to say, but I think Eric may not wanted us to stay gloomy forever you know?"


Kota:"While yes it's bad we lost a partner, yes it's okay to mourn for someone who died,but I don't think he would always want us to stay depressed."

Kota:"He would want us to push ourselves forward and, look at the future with smiles on our faces."


Kota:"Ehh that's just what I think of the situation."



(Y/n):"I'm saying you might be right. He would want us to remember him by keeping him in our thoughts."

Kota:"See! Now ready for some Bugarally?"

(Y/n):"Heh..sure I could go some right now. How far are you on that?"

Kota:"Oh well I'm-"




(Y/n)/Kota:*Both of them look at each other confused.*"

Kota:"Coming, coming!"

"As soon as Kota opens the door it reveals Soma standing there with his stoic expression."

Kota:"Hey, hey! What can I do for ya buddy?"

Soma:"Don't call me that..Is he here?"

Kota:"Who (Y/n)?"

Soma:"Who else?*He asks a bit annoyed.*"

Kota:"Sheesh no need to be rude. Yo (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Yo what can I do for you Soma?"

Soma:"Lindow wants to see you as soon as possible."

(Y/n):"Alright. I'll see you later Kota."

Kota:"See ya buddy."

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