The Beginning

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In the beginning it came to me in a dream. At first I couldn't understand it, but then it happened.

Night, after night for weeks death met me in my dream state. Collapsed bodies of young men laid out in front of me, unmoving. Blood seeped from the deep incision made on their throats. The colour of crimson red surrounds them clinging to every single fibre of the carpeted floors, staining them.  The knife that done the deed bounced off the floor clanking. In a the distance a women wails an ear breaking scream in.

It would always end this way, always with me jolting awake, throat inflamed, screaming.

Days after this continuously happened, I lost hope in the idea that it was just a bad dream. There was no end the gore and bloodshed haunting me every time I let my eyes close. Sleep was suppose to be a place of safe haven, but for me that now seems to be false. For the nights following I did whatever I could to stay awake, even took some late shifts at the station. Though, ultimately there was no stopping it.


I head towards St. Anne's Church, walking in the lively streets of New Orleans, filled with people and music. I'm meeting up with my brother at the Church so, we could grab a bite to eat. Pushing the doors that lead to the Church, an explainable feeling dawned onto me, my stomach started to feel queasy. A unceasing smell of iron floods my senses. I walk deeper into the church.

Blood dripped of stairs that lead to dias. Bodies covered in rich deep red coming from the deep scaring wounds on their neck. Sean, my brother stood there hands gripping 'the knife' and lifting it towards his neck creating the same wound as those before him.

A scream belts from my throat calling for my brother as blood gushed from his wounded. His body slumps to the ground, as life  drained out of his body. I run to towards him, pressing my hand against his wound in desperate attempt to stop the flow.

"N-no, no, Sean," I gasp. His mouth gaped open trying to get as much oxygen into his lungs. Sean takes a deep breath in, and then exhaling his finale breath. 

It's exactly like my dream.

This chapter is dedicated to ralijah this couldn't have been done without her amazing plot.

Lovely Scream ; Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now