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I stayed there beside my little brother holding his hand

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I stayed there beside my little brother holding his hand. Frozen as tears cascade down my face. I can't believe this is happening. It's like my dreams decided to come alive and turn into reality. My Uncle Kieran who is a priest also witnessed the spectacle and called the police. They came in minutes siren's flashing wild, flooding through the aisle. I felt hands on my shoulder, I looked over and it's my partner, Detective William.

"Chole, Why don't you go home, I got this," Will says. His hands wraps around me, helping me off the ground.

"B-but I," I argue wanting to stay with my brother, but he interrupts me and stating firmly,

"Go home, get some rest. I'll handle everything. I will drop by tomorrow to get a statement."  Slowly I slipped my lingering hands of my brother's and reliped okay. Giving my uncle a tight squeeze, I left for my apartment escorted by a fellow police officer.

I knew that tonight death will not be haunting my dreams. That tonight it will be peaceful for once. The idea pains me, that at the cost of a goodnight sleep is the death of my brother.


I woke up to the aroma of fresh of coffee brewing. Getting out of bed I walk to the kitchen. My fiancée, Eliot was there shuffling in the kitchen opening through cupboards gathering ingredients. Running up to him I embrace him. Closing my eyes and seeping into the smell of his newly washed clothes.

"Good morning," he greets returning the embrace. "I heard what happened, Chole. I'm so sorry."

"I know. I was suppose to take care of him Eliot, and now he's gone," I reply, my voice croaking.

Taking home my my shoulder he looks me in the eye and says, "No, it's not. This was out off your hands, it's not your fault."

If he only knew.

Eliot cooked us breakfast, he owns his own restaurant a couple blocks from the French Quarter. I love everything he cooks he's a genius, but today I just didn't have the appetite to eat a proper breakfast, so I just stuck to the freshly brewed coffee.

A knocked came from the door. It was Will, inviting him inside we sat in the living room.

"So, can you tell me what happened last night?" he started.

"Me and uhm Sean, were going to meeting up at the church to head out and eat. When I got in the Church I saw him killed himself," I stated. Will nods scribbling something on his notepad. I continued, "I don't think this was a suicide."

Will stop writing and looks up and sighs. "Look, Chole I don't think it was too, he was a good kid, but it's an open an shut case. There's no evidence suggesting other wise."

"But he didn't show signs of your typical muderer."

"Okay look fine, if you get me something good enough that would prove otherwise then maybe I can keep this open."


I couldn't find anything that would be plausible enough to clear him name. Though I did have one theory but who would believe if I said that a vampire might've compelled Sean to do it. I would have been stamped a lunatic.


When our parents heard the news, they handled Sean's remains quickly without a funeral. They wanted nothing to do with Sean because of what he did. Our parents decided it was only fit to bury Sean in a tomb where the homeless and criminals lie.My younger sister, Sean's twin, Camille came into town in light of together we visit Sean's tomb along with Uncle Kieran and Eliot. We place lilies against a his grave and lit a candle.

"He doesn't deserve this," Camille said solemnly.

"I know," I agree

"I mean how could Mom and Dad do this to Sean, he's family. No matter what he did,'' Camille protested frustratedly. All that was popping through my head was that there could possibly a way to clear Sean's name and restore his reputation.

Suddenly I find myself blunting out, ''I think someone drove him into doing it.'' Eliot and Cami looked at me because of my outburst.

'' Look, I know this might sound crazy, but Sean was not crazy nor was he delusional. From my professional experience, he's profile does not fit the crime and never has he been the type to hold a good grudge or to get angry that it would make him violent,'' I burst.

''Wait, hold on. What?!'' Eliot questions

Wide eyed my sister says, '' I thought that too! I looked into it through a physiological point of view and he showed no signs of mental deterioration prior to the incident.''

''Hey, hey, hey. Slow down, I thought this was an open and close case.'' Eliot states

''It's not.'' I reply.

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