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After our little wake we parted ways with Uncle Kieran, we headed to the bus station to drop Cami off.

''Stay safe, okay? And call when you get home.''

''Promise. I love you,'' Cami replies embracing me in a hug. I gave her a tight squeeze and whisper ''love you too.''

She grabs her luggage and heads for the bus, Elliot and I wave her goodbye.


Days later, I decided to check up on Uncle Kieran. He has not been answering my calls, which is unlike him. So, I decided back to the place I dreaded to be in the most. 

Flashes of the occurrences that night overwhelms me as I enter the church. I can do this.

The smell of iron still lingers in the air, although evidence of that night and the blood that soaked the carpet were no longer visible. Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit me, I hold on to the pew closing my eyes in an attempt to steady myself. You got this deep breaths.

How could Uncle Kiernan stand this place? My head pounded intensifying with each second. I let out a scream clutching my head and collapsing to the floor. The pain endured, but then all of a sudden it stops and murmurs arise. Slowly, I let my hands fall and stand up.

I was no longer in the church anymore. Flames on pedestals lit up the ever so dark cemetary. withces. Four young teenage girls enter and kneel in the middle, as others stand surrounding them. They were much older in age in comparison. The middle aged woman who seems to be the presider speaks. She opens and closes her mouth, but all I could hear were murmurs. 

The presider takes out a knife and sterilizes it by heating it against a flame. The first girl rises and the presider nears her. The young woman offers her hand to the presider expecting the presider cut into it. Instead the presider lunges quickly and with ease she slices the young woman's throat.  Her limp and hopeless body falls to the ground as she struggles to grasp on the last bit of her life.

"No, no, no. What are you doing?!" I protest anger let out loud.

The air fills with screams of panic and cries from. I tried to get closer perhaps protect them from their impending deaths, but I couldn't. Their scream for help and terror prolonged and echoed immobilizing me and consuming every thought in my body. Once again, I have my hands covering my ears and closing my eyes.  


I clutch my ears and close my eyes hoping that the it would just go.

"Leave me alone!" I yell aloud. 

Just like the teenage girls I was stuck without an escape. Doomed to just follow the same cycle. I have to do something to save them. To stop, this. I can't ignore this, I can't ignore this like I ignore the dreams I had about that night.  I flinch as I feel a hand on my back and the screaming comes into a halt. 

 ''Hey, hey. It's okay. It's only me,''  he whispered.

''Marcel, i- it was terrible.''  

''You're okay, just take a deep breath.'' He cooed taking a hold of my hands. 

'' People are going to die Marcel,  a bunch of teenage girls at the commentary, I know that must sound crazy, bu-'' I confess frantically. 

'' It's not. I think it already happened,'' Taken back I lets go off his hands. 

He gets off from the ground and nears the entrance off the church, he ushers a teenage girl dressed in white out from the darkness. Her eyes were red from tears and she has solemn look on her face.

'' Chloe, this is Davina,''


It took me forever and an eternity to get this chapter right! I literally rewrote this so many times, that is why it took me a really long time to get this up. 

Although, thank you so much for reading! It was what kept me to to keep writing this despite so many failed attempts. Any who, there will be more, for sure so stay tuned ;) 

Don't forget to rate and comment I would look to read what you guys think. XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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