Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: This chapter is for the lovely ZaraBrar who loved this story when no one else did.

"Let me get this straight." Ally stated, sitting up straighter in one of Jack's many guest beds, pointing her cake-covered fork at me, "Your boyfriend drove all the way to San Francisco and back, each way being a six hour drive, just to get you this, admittedly, amazing cake?"

"Yes. Which is why the status has changed from 'almost in love with him' to 'madly in love with him'."

"Wow." Romi said, emerging from the bathroom, where she'd been putting on her dress, "Just, wow."

The three of us were in Jack and Charlie's house, getting ready for my birthday party. My present from Jack had, apparently, not just been the party but also a black knee-length Balmain dress, and an adorable outfit from Versace. My mother had handed me a diamond jewelry set and told me that I could wear it to the party and pretend that it had been my present from her, as long as I gave it back at the end of the night.

Unfortunately, the dress that Jack gave me, although it was beautiful, wasn't formal enough for the occasion, since my mother had invited almost a hundred people, none of whom I knew. So, I had to settle for a dark blue dress that went nicely with my pale hair.

"I wish Brad did things like that for me." Romi said wistfully, sifting through the first of her three makeup bags.

"Please," Ally scoffed, digging into her second slice of cake. Julio and I had demolished half of it together during lunch before I decided to save some for Ally and Romi. "Brad loves you. He looks at you like a blind man seeing the world for the first time every day."

It was the truth. Brad and Romi were the kind of couple that stayed together forever, despite it all. The kind of couple who'd never let the world separate them.

Romi blushed, murmuring something about how it wasn't like that. She tried playing it off, but it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"Is Julio coming to the party tonight?" She asked, changing the subject. She pulled out a tube of bright red lipstick as hers had faded a little, and headed to the large dressing table and mirror. I couldn't believe that the guest room had all that stuff.

"I emotionally blackmailed him till he agreed to come." I informed them, as I pulled my dress out of the garment bag. "I'm meeting his family this weekend, by the way."

It was true. I was going to go meet his Uncle Matteo and his wife on Saturday, which was only a day away.

"You guys are so cute together." Ally smiled, before standing up with a groan, probably realizing that, while her hair was done, she still had to do her makeup and get her dress on and the party would begin in a half hour's time. 

"Thanks." I acknowledged, my blush becoming more pronounced. "But can we talk about something that isn't my relationship right now?"

"Like what? How The Shape of Water didn't deserve an Oscar? Again?" Romi teased, because I'd been going on and on about how I wished Dunkirk had won because I thought The Shape of Water was creepy.

"There are a million conversations we could have right now, but I have no problem talking about that because I won't change my stance." I joked, watching as Romi put the cap on her lipstick back on, stepping aside so that Ally could take her place. All I had to do was put on my dress.

I slipped into the bathroom to put it on and, by the time I was out, the Golden Globes had become the topic of conversation, with Ally saying that Emilia Clarke needed to win next time because she was the fucking Khaleesi. Romi added that, since next season would be the last for Game of Thrones, most of them would win for that.

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