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Josh's P.O.V

"Tell me a story," the blonde haired girl murmured against my chest. I tightened my hold on her; I was so scared that she'd disappear.

"What story?" I asked.  We were watching the stars.

"A happy one."

I racked my brains for a happy story, but the only ones that came to mind where Disney, and I could hardly tell her the story of The Little Mermaid, or Sleeping Beauty. In the end, I decided to go with a true story.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy who lived with his parents, brother and sister. The thirteen year old boy, and let's call him Joe, was taking his six year old brother home when they were both playing with their friends house down the road. On the way home, Joe's little brother went into the road with his Spiderman scooter. But a car was coming around the corner. Joe had two seconds to make a decision - leave his little brother to get hit by the car and stay safe, or take the hit.
So Joe ran out into the road and pushed his little brother out of the way. His momentum carried him and his brother forward, but the car caught his legs. It sent him flying and he broke both of his legs. But later, he found that it was worth it; he had saved his little brother and only broken his legs which would heal."

When I had finished, we were silent for three minutes.

"Joe's a brave boy," Sky eventually mumured. I chuckled and shifted the blanket so it draped over the both of us. "Is that boy yo- Oh look! A shooting star!" She gasped and pointed into the sky.

Sure enough, a flash of starlight erupted across the sky and was gone in two seconds.

"Make a wish." She told me.

I looked into her eyes before answering. She was beautiful it hurt my stomach: there was no way this beautiful creature could be meant for me.

"I wish that I could stay with you for the rest of my life," I murmured into her ear, and kissed her temple.

She sat up, and immediately I wondered if I said too much. When I sat up too, I saw her eyes had welled up.

"Josh, I-I I am not good for you. You deserve so much more than me. Don't you understand? You deserve someone who isn't haunted by their past, or someone who wants to live their life. You shouldn't spend you whole time checking my wrists for new cuts" - she yanked her jacket sleeve up and pushed off her bracelets to show me her exposed wrists, which had scarlett and white cuts all the way up her arms - "and someone who you don't have to constantly worry when they're going to off with themselves. Why can't you see that?" She sobbed and pulled her sleeves down and covered her face.

Very gently, I took one of her arms away from her face and pulled her sleeve back up. Carefully, I pressed my lips onto the cuts.

"Skylar Jones, I am going to tell you something. When I first saw you, I thought that you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and I still think that, and I will always think that. These cuts show your past - it is nothing to be ashamed of. Of course, I'd prefer if you didn't cut yourself, but we can work on that. Together. Because I am not leaving you, and I cannot watch you leave my life for good. I will do anything you want. I am at your disposable. I've watched so many Disney films or romances, that I didn't believe that love at first sight was real and it was just corny film stuff. When I saw you, you contradicted it. Skylar Jones, you've opened up my heart and it had become yours. I am yours."

And I leaned forward so our nose were touching, and breathed in her scent.

"I love you."

Too Easily Lost - A Josh Cuthbert/Union J FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now