seeing clearly

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its saturday and rachel is getting ready to meet blaine at the mall kurt is still sick, marley is out with skylar.

as she sits at her dressing table applying her lip gloss she thinks about what blaine said the other day about sebastian.

infact she has thought about it since blaine said it now she keeps going over the past few weeks the fact that when she was upset about noah sebastian had taken her to his dads cabin and watched her fravorite movue with her. the fact that he hadnt been happy about her going on the date with noah in the first place. she also thought of skylar playing badly at bowling so marley wouldnt feel so bad. what if sebastian had intentionally lost if skykar could do it surely he could. she thought about how he had whispered in her ear had he been flirting with her and her not even realise.

then she shook her head she was being stupid why would a guy like him like her she had thought the same thing about niah and he had preffered to break the law than actually spend time with her. she was been silly sebastian smythe couldnt like her marley was prettier than her and had a much much smaller nose so it made sense skylar liking marley. sebastian could have any girl there was no way he would want me she thought.

(phone ringing)

rach: hey blaine

blaine : hey maria im so sorry but can we cancel today i think im getting what kurt has

rach: dont worry about it get better soon if you need anything let me know

blaine: i will do thanks sorry for cancelling

rach: its ok dont worry about it its ok i think I'll go for a jog there is a beautiful park in westerville.

the call ended she changed into her running gear and headed out to her car in order to drive to a stunning park in westerville. she didnt dare go jogging alone at any of ghe parks in lima.

an hour later and and she arrived at the park and began to jog she was listsning to the funny girl sound track as she jogged.

as she was jogging along the foot path of the park she spotted someone else jogging the other way jogging towards her. rachel carried on jogging only as she and the other jogger neared each other she saw it was sebastian he seemed to realise it was her at the same time.

" good morning bambi" he called

"morning" rachel said thry both stopped a matter of a few feet away.

" what brings you to westerville " sebastian asked

" this Park is beautiful i like jogging here" rachel said he nodded.

" yeah it is quite nice though i prefer to go running near the cabin but i wasnt an option today" sebastian said

" really why" rachel asked

" skylar has taken marley there" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said

" our parents are there too " sebastian said

" you didnt what to go" rachel asked wondering why if it was a family occasion.

" my dad wants to fish as do both my grandads sky is teaching marley to fish im not in the mood today." sebastian said

" i see" rachel said

" you not with blaine marley said you had plans " sebastian asked rachel wondered why marley was talking to sebastian about her then recalled the so very un-subtle coffee date the other day.

" blaine isnt feeling very well think he caught the virus kurt has been suffering with" rachel said

" i hope you dont get sick" sebastian said

" me too" rachel said

" your dads are away again" he said

" yeah" rachel said

" im not in the mood to fish but my family are having a bbq at the cabin if you want to go" sebastian asked.

" oh..." rachel started to say.

"my mom's vegan so you dont need to worry about the food... plus my family can be overwhelming marley would love her sister to be there she was going to invite but you had plans with blaine. " sebastian said

" ok" rachel said

" great how about i pick up at 1pm" sebastian asked

" ok" rachel said

" great see you soon" he said before running off rachel stood watching him running off her mind racing with thoughts once more.


rachel had decided on a lemon summer dress and strappy sandles as it was a beautiful hot day. she was feeling nervous about the car journey as she couldnt get blaines words the other day out of her head.

sebastian pulled up outside and she went out and got into his car she had picked up some buns from a vegan bakery to take with her.

" hey" he said as she climbed into the car.

" hey" rachel said

the car journey was alittle uncomfortable as they both seemed to have difficulty finding something to say.

finally they reached the cabin and as rachel got out of the car she heard marley call her name she looked and saw marley and skylar wlking over to them from around the side of the cabin.

" hey" rachel said marley was looking at her oddly.

" how come your not with blaine " marley asked

" he is sick" rachel said

" we bumped into each other at the park" sebastian said

" oh" skylar said looking amused.

" i best go let mom and dad know im here" sebastian said walking into the cabin.

" i will go help mom cook" skylar said leaving the two sisters alone.

" he asked my to come he said you wanted to ask me but because i had plans you didnt" rachel said

" he said that " marley asked

" yeah" rachel said

" rach skylar and i were going out to lunch when we called at their house his parents invited us to join them here. rachi didnt know we were coming here if sebastian invited you it cant be because of me" marley said smiling rachel was stood speechless looking at marley.

" food is ready" skylar called out to them.

" ok" marley said moving towards the cabin

" rach" marley said because she hadnt moved.

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