✓ Chapter 6

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Early in the morning that day

Chaeyoung was behind his desk, signing some papers and checking on their stocks on the computer when Miyoung his secretary came in... Chaeyoung hated almost all women on earth except this woman. She handed him another file and stood beside him.

"You are leaving early today? Why?"

"Uhm I'm pregnant so I need to visit the doctor"

"Aren't you like fifty years old?" he teased earning a glare from her "Sorry, sorry I am joking" he laughed

"Do you know pregnant women are allowed to kill..?" She said teasing him back.. then smiled "You should know how much we suffered to have a kid" she touched her belly "he is just so precious for us"

"Do you vomit too?" He asked looking up at her.

"Uhm yes and many more, I sleep a lot and feel tired easily, you should know about the cramp in the midnite, and I lay on the bed all the time especially in the first stage of pregnancy. it was so hard, but now I am better.. Two months left till I see him"

"Do you eat a lot?" he added and she nodded.

"Hmmm, it's depends, some yes, some no. but Pregnancy is harder than you think sir, we suffer a lot"

He doze off for a while "Send me the doctor's number please"

"Sure" she shrugged her shoulders and left. While he called the doctor followed by Mina.

What he didn't know that Mina went to the hairdresser before she went to her mom's house. He was waiting for her by the car and leaning on the passenger's seat door playing with his magnetic balls when he saw her coming to him.

"Hey" she smiled at him.

He couldn't blink or even lower his eyebrows "You dyed your hair?" he asked seeing

"Nae" she touched her hair.

"You look beautiful" he complimented!

She stared at him for few seconds "Should I record this? it's the first time you say something nice to me"

He laughed and kept looking at her.

"Can I go in?" he was blocking her way to enter the car eventually he sat behind the steering wheel and drove off.

They arrived at the crowded clinic, then fortunately found two empty seats, he was sitting beside her. He was busy reading a booklet he found on the table beside him, talking about the child's information. Chaeyoung was not even wearing his ring, Mina was busy looking at a couple, and how the guy was treating his wife nicely and caring about her. She did feel envious of course.

"Son Mina" the nurse said smiling at her "It's your turn"

Hearing 'Son' before her name was so weird to mina, she wasn't used to it, her steps were larger and faster than Chaeyoung as she was so excited and worried at the same time.

After measuring her height, weight and other things it was the echography time, Chaeyoung was just watching what the doctor was doing, she put some gel on mina's stomach. Mina was nervous and excited. She laid on the bed with the echography machine next to her,

"You look nervous" the doctor said holding the transducer "Shall we look at the baby now??"

The doctor smiled at them and chaeyoung was looking at the screen blankly until she started to move the transducer on Mina's stomach. Mina looked at the screen and tried to understand what she was seeing.

"Is he okay?" she asked in a brittle voice.

The doctor sighed and looked at mina "Such a healthy baby".

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