✓ Chapter 12

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Two seasons passed...

Summer and autumn felt like winter to Mina and Chaeyoung while Jeongyeon was still laying on his bed peacefully with no progress nor withdraw.

The sign light was ticking while Chaeyoung was talking on the phone.

"Yes I will sign it tomorrow" he said... All he does was work. He chose work over home. The home didn't feel like HOME when there's no Mina waiting for him. He parked the car under Mina's house. It was almost eight and the weather was becoming cold every day. He pressed the doorbell button and waited for a while before her mom opened the door for him with a poker face.

"Again?" she asked raising her eyebrow. As much Mina pushed him away and refused to see him, he insists and forced her to talk to him once or twice a week. He would keep visiting her even if the whole time, he just stared at her and she just kept ignoring him like none was there.

"Where is she?" he said stepping in.

"In her room" her mom replied without even looking at him as she headed to the living room to continue her knitting. He walked with heavy steps to her room on the left and knocked on the door before entering just to see her sitting on the bed hugging her legs with her back resting on the wall she was watching a random show on her laptop then Chaeyoung closed it and sat in front of her. He's just sure that she didn't really watch it, she just stared blankly pretending to watch.

"Today I bought you this" he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and took out a galaxy chocolate bar "You love it don't you?"

The stare she was giving him made him lose the excitement he had. She turned on again her laptop and continued to pretend watching it. His sight went to the trash can beside her bed as he noticed three beer bottles with one empty whiskey bottle.

"Still drinking?" he asked in disbelief.

"...." As always. He was being ignored.

"Today is the first day in winter. Please dress warmly" he smiled at her.

She started to smirk and smiled sadly. "I've always wondered if you do have a heart."

"Hmmm??" He frowned and looked at her.

"Dongwoo always crossed inside my dream." she said "I don't know if I have more tears left in my eyes because I cry every single day"

He gritted his teeth and frowned.

"From the start, you didn't want him right? That's why he left. You don't deserve to be his father."

"Mina-ahh.. We promised back then not to talked about it.."

"But it's true right. You finally get rid of him.."

He gulped and bit the inside of his lips "I need to go". He didn't want to hurt anyone. He stood up and walked to the door but he stopped before he leaves her room "And tell your lawyer that I won't give you the divorce so he can stop calling me or try to visit me because I won't give up on you easily just like that" he closed the door and greeted her mother before he headed to his car where he drove off to one certain place.

Yes, it was late.

Yes, it was dark.

Yes, it was cold.

He went to the forest where they found Dongwoo's overall. There were some dead flowers placed by him, he sat and rested his back on the tree behind him "Today you are ten months old" he sniffed "I wonder if you can walk now" he laughed, just imagining him walking makes his heart flutter and feel alive.

"Do I really don't deserve to be your father? Your mother is right... I was never a good father."

His shoulders shook and he rubbed his hands together because of a cold breeze that hit his skin. He looked up at the cloudy dark sky

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